Subscriber Portal Security
This section allows you to manage what information a subscriber sees within their portal. As an administrator, you determine the column visibility and order of what the subscriber sees within the portal. For example, if you have two sets of subscribers, one that uses authorization codes and one that does not, this allows you to create two profiles. One profile that has authorization codes visible and another that does not.
There is a three-step process. First, you need to create the different profiles for each subscriber type, you can have as many as you want or just one. Second, you need to associate each subscriber to the correct profile. Finally, you need to determine the column visibility and order within the portal.
Step One: Profile
- Click the System Admin
- In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next to Security to access the sub-menus.
- Click Profiles.
- There are two ways to add a new profile:
- Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the dropdown arrow next to New. From the list, select Profile.
- Within the Actions pane, click the Add New Profile
- With either option, the General-Profile window opens. The only field you need to add is the Profile Name, all other settings are determined within the portal.
- Enter in the following information for the profile (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
- Profile Name* – type-in the alphanumeric profile name, we recommend keeping profile names easy to identify when adding a user, for example Subscriber – Auth, Subscriber – No Auth, etc.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save & Close (to save and exit) button to continue to step two.
Step Two: Profile Association
When you are associating profiles to subscribers, there are two ways. First, you can associate all subscribers to the same profile to you can create a few different profiles and associated each one individually.
The following steps walk you through both.
- From the main menu, click System Admin.
- Within the Navigation pane, click Subscriber Portal Settings then Subscriber Portal Security.
- There are two ways to manage your Subscriber Security:
- From within the Menu toolbar, click the Manage Subscriber Security button.
- Within the Actions pane, click the Manage Subscriber Security link.
- With either option, the Subscriber Security pop-up opens, there are four columns of information:
- Last and First Name – display the subscribers first and last name
- User Name – displays the username the subscriber uses when logging into Subscriber Portal
- Profile Name – this is the name of the profile that you created within the System Admin – Security – Profiles
- Find the subscriber that you want to associate to a profile, if you can readily find the subscriber, you can perform a search. To search for a specific subscriber perform one of the following actions:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and click the magnifying glass
- Click the Show All button
- Once the list populates, within the Profile Name field, click the dropdown arrow to access a list of the all profiles, within the list select the appropriate profile for the subscriber.
- To associate all subscribers to the same profiles, associate one subscriber to the profile, then click the selector box next to the last name to highlight the complete row. Within the Edit ribbon group, click the ‘Replace All With Current Profile’ button. You are asked to confirm that you are replacing all subscribers with the profile, within the message box click yes to continue or no to cancel the operation.
- When you are done associating, click the Save button to return to the Subscriber Security list.
Step Three: Column Visibility
Within Subscriber Portal, you determine what columns each profile can see. The ability to change column visibility is only available to system administrators. After you login as an administrator, throughout Subscriber Portal, there are Customize Grid links. When you click on the link a list of the fields for the appropriate section appear along with the field position and a visibility checkbox.
At the top of the list, select the Profile that you want to effect by clicking the dropdown arrow and selecting the profile name. As a default, every field is visible, to remove the field click on the box to remove the checkmark.
In addition, you can adjust the position by clicking the Up or Down links to the right of the field name. Once you complete making your changes, click on the Save button.