

A Service is a specific group of items you provide, for example, Cell Phone Service, Voice Mail, Internet Service, Man-hours etc.

Adding a Service

! It is required to add Service Types before you can add Service Records. If you need to add a Service Type, please refer to the “Adding a Service Type” Section.

  1. Click Equipment/Services from the menu.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Services.
  3. There are two ways to add a service item:
      • Within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the dropdown arrow next to New. Select Service.
      • Within the Actions pane, click the Add new service
  1. Within either option, the Service window opens. Complete the following information for the service items (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
      • Service Name* – type the service name, for example, hourly rate, voice mail, etc.
      • Service Type* – click the field to access a dropdown list and from the list select the service type.
      • One Time Cost – type the one-time service cost (if applicable). When entering in the amount, type the total cost with a decimal point. If you fail to enter a decimal point, will add one for you in the appropriate location. For example, if you type 10, CAIRS will make the cost $10.00.
      • Recurring Cost – type the recurring cost for the service (if applicable). When entering in the amount, type the total cost with a decimal point. If you fail to enter a decimal point will add one for you in the appropriate location. For example, if you type 10, CAIRS will make the cost $10.00.
      • Zero Cost Billing Policy – click the field to access a dropdown list and from the list select: Do Not Bill, Bill as One Time Charge or Bill as Recurring Charge. This selection allows you to include a service in a bill that is not charged.  The service can appear in either the one-time or recurring charge section of the bill.  If you choose to not include these service items within the bill, select Do Not Bill.
      • Vendor Import Charge Billing Policy – the default is set to bill all charges normally meaning they will be charged based on the cost indicated above, however you can change the policy for this item. Click on the dropdown arrow to access a list and from the list select one of the following options:
      • Bill Normally – this is the default, all imported charges will be billed according to the service item
      • Bill as Zero Cost – all imported charges will be billed as a zero cost to the account
      • Do Not Bill – although charges are imported into cairs they are not billed on and will not display on a bill associated to the account
      • System Charge Policy – the default is to bill all charges normally meaning they will be billed based on the cost indicated above, however you can make a system policy to handle charges related to this item differently, other than bill normally you have the following options available, click on the field to access a dropdown list and from the list select one of the following policies:
      • Bill as Zero Cost – all charges related to this item will be visible on the bill as a zero cost charge to the account
      • Do Not Bill – although charges are in cairs they are not billed on and will not display on a bill associated to the account
      • Part Number – type the part number.
      • Part Name – type the part name.
      • Description – type the description of the service item
      • Vendor Name – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and select the Vendor name.
      • Vendor Equipment Name – type the name the vendor uses to refer to the service.
      • Service Provider Name – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and select the Service Provider name.
      • Manufacturer Name – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and select the Manufacturer name.
      • Abbreviation – type the service name abbreviation.
      • Medium Safety Stock Level – type a number for the medium stock level, when reached the user receives a message box stating that the service quantity is now below the medium stock level.
      • Low Safety Stock Level – type a number for the low stock level, when reached the user receives a message box stating that the service quantity is now below the low stock level.
      • Type of Service Name – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and select the type of service for the service.
      • Report Category – click the dropdown arrow to access a list, from the list select the report category.
      • Category – type the service category.
      • Notes – type any additional miscellaneous service item notes.
      • ES Misc 1 – 5 – use these fields for any additional information relating to the service item.

Adding/Delete an Image

  1. Within the lower portion of the window is the Images pane, here you can add pictures of the equipment. To add an image, click on the New Image button.
  2. You will be able to browse to the location of the picture, it must be in a .BMP, .JPG, .JEPG or .PNG file format. Once at the file location, click on the file name and click on the Open button. The image will appear in the Image pane.  To add multiple images, follow the same procedure.
      • To remove an image, click on the red x on the image. You will be asked to verify that you really want to delete the image, click yes to continue or no to cancel the operation.

Adding Equipment Items

**If the Inventory Policy is either Manage Total Quantity or Restrict by Total Quantity are associated to the equipment type you will be required to add at least 1 item before saving.  If the inventory policy is Do Not Tract Quantity you will be allows to save the equipment item with no actual inventory. 

  1. Once you click on the Save button, you will receive a message that requires you to add at least 1 item to the inventory before you can continue. Within the message box, click Yes to continue.  The Items list opens.
  2. Click the top line marked with an asterisk (*), to add new items. Complete the following equipment information (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
      • Warehouse Name – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and from the list select the warehouse name of where the equipment item is stored.
      • Vendor Name – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and from the list select the vendor name
      • Serial Number – type the serial number, if applicable.
      • Purchase Order Number – type the purchase order for the equipment item
      • Site – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and select the site. The site dropdown list displays the bottom-most site first. After the ~~ is the complete path to the site. In the example below, we selected the Henderson site, which is a child to Las Vegas. Each site level is separated by a >.
      • Item Status* – click the field to access a dropdown list and select whether the item is Existing (in stock) or Unavailable (out-or-stock).
      • Total Quantity Available – type the total quantity available for this ser, the field defaults to one (1). If a minus sign appears before the number that means that you have assigned more items then were available in your total quantity available.
      • Total Quantity Used – this field automatically populates when an equipment item is in use
      • Assigned – this field defaults to no until the equipment item is assigned to a component, once assigned the field automatically populates with yes.
      • Rack, Shelf, and Bin – type the rack, shelf and bin name or number to provide the location of the equipment item within the warehouse.
      • Item Information 1 – 4 – use these fields to type any additional information regarding the equipment item.
  1. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with service types or Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Service list.

Deleting a Service

  1. Click Equipment/Services from the menu.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Service.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
      • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
      • Click the Show All
  1. The Service list displays in the pane. Double-click the service type name within the list.
  2. The Service window opens. Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Delete button.
  3. Once you click Delete, a message box appears verifying that you really want to delete the service. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation.
  4. If any record within your database currently references the service, a message box appears telling you that all references need to be removed or changed in order to delete the service. Click the OK button to close the message box.