Adding/Deleting a Rate Type

Adding a Rate Type

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next Call Record Settings
  3. Click Rate Type.
  4. There are three ways to add a rate type:
    • Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the dropdown arrow next to New. From the list, select Rate Type.
    • Within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click on the Add Rate Type
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Add Rate Type
  1. With either option, the General – Rate Type window opens.
  2. Within the Rate Type field, type in the name of the type. When naming a rate type keep in mind that when you assign it to a zone, you are attaching hours. You might want to think about naming it daytime, evening, nighttime, etc.
  3. Within the Actions ribbon group, click on the Save (to save and stay) button, click the Save & Close (to save and exit) button, or click the Save & New (to save and refresh the screen) button to continue adding in additional rate types.

Deleting a Rate Type

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next Call Record Settings.
  3. Click Rate Type.
  4. The list of existing rate types populates to the right, click on the rate type to highlight. There are three ways to delete a rate type:
    • Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the red ‘X’.
    • Within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click on the Delete Rate Type button
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Delete Rate Type
  1. With either option, a warning message appears verifying that you really want to delete the rate type. In addition, if the rate type is associated to a rate or zone, the associate will also be deleted.
  2. Once you click yes within the message box, the rate type is removed from the system.