Trouble Tickets

Trouble Tickets

The Trouble Ticket process is the same as the work order process. Each Trouble Ticket contains a work flow with work centers, time frames and data components.

Through this menu option, users can track Trouble Tickets in several different ways and view the history of completed or cancelled Trouble Tickets.

The approach to the troubles system is slightly different from the approach used in CAIRS 32. In CAIRS, we use Work Flows; this is the process the Trouble Ticket goes through from start to finish. Each Work Flow contains two parts, the work centers, and time frames.

A work center is much like an in-box/basket in that it holds a set of data components you need to complete before the Trouble Ticket can be sent to the next work center and time frame. Examples of work centers are: Directory, Inside Plant, Outside Plant, QA, etc.

Each work center is assigned into a time frame; a time frame allows the work flow to progress sequentially. This means the work from one work center needs to be complete before the Trouble Ticket can continue within the work flow. If two work centers, are in the same time frame they can be worked on concurrently. Once this Trouble Ticket enters the time frame, both work centers can access and complete their work at the same time (with respect to open record management).

! Open Record Management is important in the Trouble Ticket process. When one person is accessing the Trouble Ticket, they own it, meaning, if another person tries to open and make changes to the ticket, CAIRS will notify them that the Trouble Ticket is currently opened by another user (the user name is displayed) and that if any changes are made they might not be saved to the record.


In the following example, the trouble issuer and directory information are assigned into Time Frame 1, Inside and Outside Plant are assigned into Time Frame 2, and so on.

Assigned to each work center are one or more data components. A data component is the information you are working on for this Trouble Ticket. There are eight different data components:

  • Subscribers
  • Authorization Code
  • Circuit
  • Account
  • General Task
  • Cell Phone
  • Set Device
  • Set Device (EWSD)

When a data component is added to a work center, the required fields for the component must be completed before the work order can be sent to the next work center.

Menu Options

The following menu options are available within Troubles:

  • Troubles – allows you to view, create, and modify Trouble Tickets within the database.
  • My Work Center Troubles – provides a list of Trouble Tickets currently assigned into a work center you have privileges to access.
  • Troubles Assigned to Me – provides a list of Trouble Tickets assigned or sent to you by another user.
  • Troubles Created By Me – provides a list of the Trouble Tickets that you created.
  • Held Troubles – provides a list of Trouble Tickets currently on hold.
  • All Active Troubles – provides a list of all open Trouble Tickets within your system.
  • Trouble History – provides a list of Trouble Tickets cancelled or completed within your system.

Work Order Categories

Before you can create any Trouble Tickets, you need to create your categories. A category allows troubles to be separated based on a variety of user-defined characteristics. The categories that you create within Orders also display within this list and vice-versa. This allows you to use the same categories for orders and Trouble Tickets. See Orders àWork Order Categories to learn how to add, modify, and delete a category.

Trouble Ticket Views

Within the Views pane, you can sort your trouble ticket list based on certain characteristics. For example, you can view all the active troubles relating to a site. The default or simple list displays all tickets starting with the most recently created ticket first. The following views are available:

·         Simple List ·         Building Name
·         Show Items with Circuit Names ·         Switch Name
·         Show Items with Phone Numbers ·         Subscriber Last Name
·         Work Flow Custom Fields ·         Organization Name
·         Notes ·         Contact Name
·         Equipment & Services ·         Contact Phone
·         Work Center Name ·         TCO Group
·         Status ·         Resource Mgr
·         Site ·         Custom Summary

When you click the option circle next to a selection, the list changes to group your tickets based on the common characteristic. For example, if you select Building, all tickets associated to building 1 are grouped together; building 2 are together and so on. For each group, you can click the plus sign next to the group name to view the tickets within the grouping.

Understanding the Trouble Ticket Details Screen

The Trouble Ticket – [New Trouble Ticket] window has several panes. The ribbon at the top of the window allows you to perform actions on the ticket: choose data components, generate reports, etc. The panes below the ribbon, allow you to create and manage the ticket.

Ribbon Groups

Each ribbon group allows you to perform certain functions within the trouble (Example: Attach a file; Reject the trouble, etc.).


Within the Actions ribbon group, you can perform the following actions:

  • Save & Close – click this button to save the completed information and return to the Order/Troubles list.
  • Delete – click this button to delete the Trouble Ticket. This differs from cancel in that there will not be a record of this Trouble Ticket within your database.
  • Save – click this button to save the information you have completed and remain within the Trouble Ticket.
  • Refresh – click on this button to add newly saved information to the work order window.


There are two views within the Trouble Ticket details screen, Trouble and Trouble Log. The Trouble view is the default view and displays the detailed ticket information, work centers, and configured components.

The alternate view, Order Log, displays a list of actions for this Trouble Ticket. The Trouble Log view displays the Activity Log which includes two information panes; the top pane contains the activity date, work center name, ticket status, work center status and activity note. When you highlight any action within the top pane, the lower pane displays the detailed information for the completed action.

The Contact Info button displays the related contact details for the Subscriber or TCO that you selected in the Adjustable Fields pane.

The Packages button allows you to view the sub-tickets related to the main ticket.  If this trouble ticket was submitted via the Subscriber Portal, you can view the package details here.  History provides the user with a timeline of the actions taken on the ticket. The main window provides a basic list of the actions and by double-clicking the action; a pop-up opens with a detailed action description.


The Launch ribbon group allows you to perform action relating to trouble ticket packages submitted through Subscriber Portal.


The Portal ribbon group allows you to accept packages or Trouble Tickets submitted through Subscriber Portal.

Data Components

Each of the data components allows you to add or modify a particular item in the database. The available components differ depending on the type of Trouble Ticket, work center needs, and user privileges. The following data components are available:

  • Subscriber – allows you to add, delete, and modify a database subscriber.
  • Authorization Code – allows you to add, delete, and modify authorization codes.
  • Circuit – allows you to add, delete, and modify a main circuit and circuit segments.
  • Land Radio – allows you to add, modify and delete in your wireless communication devices such as walkie-talkie
  • Account – allows you to associate accounting/billing information to a set device, circuit, or subscriber.
  • General Task – allows you to manage work order and/or trouble tickets tasks.
  • Cell Phone – allows you to add, delete, and modify cell phones.
  • Set Device – allows you to add, delete, and modify an analog, digital, and IP set into the database.
  • AS5300 Sets – allows you to add, delete, and modify sets associated to your AS5300
  • Cisco Sets – allows you to add, delete and modify sets associated to your Cisco switches
  • Set Device (EWSD) – allows those with an EWSD Switch to add, delete, and modify sets.

Each Data Component button is segmented (depending on your screen size the button may not be segmented but may only contain a drop-down arrow), when you click the lower portion of the button, a drop-down list displays. For each component there is a search option, this allows you to search for an existing component to associate to the ticket. The Set Device button has two search options:

  • Search for Existing Primary Devices – displays a list of the primary button information for all set devices
  • Search Existing Devices – displays a list of all telephone numbers associated to a set device and their button number

Often times you may need to remove a configured component from a work order without having to delete the entire ticket. From the drop-down menu for each data component there is a drop option. This option allows you to drop any configured component from the ticket.

Order Actions

There are several Trouble Ticket actions available within this ribbon group:

  • Send To – allows you to send a Trouble Ticket onto a specific person within the next work center.
  • Send Back – allows you to send the Trouble Ticket back to a specific person within a previous work center.
  • Assign To – allows you to assign the Trouble Ticket to a specific person within the current work center.
  • Cancel Order – allows you to cancel the Trouble Ticket at any point.
  • Put on Hold – allows you to place a Trouble Ticket on hold. Placing a Trouble Ticket on hold allows you to reserve items within the database without having to commit the information. Once you place a hold on a Trouble Ticket, the button name changes to ‘Remove from Hold’ allowing you to remove the hold and continue processing the order.
  • Optional Work Centers – if the administrator has selected some work centers as optional for the Trouble Ticket, you can click the field to access a drop-down list of the optional work centers.
  • Switch Ticket Type – allows you to switch the Trouble Ticket to a work order with an open status. This does not change the work flow; it simply moves the ticket to the Orders list.


Custom reports allow you to print out ticket information on a form designed by your CAIRS administrator. Your administrator creates cells in a form and associates them to certain fields within the ticket. When you choose the report, the fields from the ticket populate the cells to create a complete printable form.


Attach a file to any Trouble Ticket within this ribbon group. Your CAIRS administrator pre-defines eligible file types.

Trouble Ticket Panes

There are several panes below the ribbon; each pane contains specific information for the Trouble Ticket. Within these panes, you work through the entire Trouble Ticket work flow. The seven panes of information are (for a detailed description of the pane see the appropriate section below):

  • Basic Information
  • Adjustable Fields
  • Other Fields
  • Portal Work Order Info
  • Description
  • Work Flow, Work Notes and Equipment and Services
  • Components

After you create a Trouble Ticket, CAIRS adds a solid yellow line directly below the ribbon, containing the ticket status, the active work center name, the name of the person that the previous user sent the work order to, and any additional notes.

Basic Information and Adjustable Fields Pane

When you first enter the Trouble Ticket – [New Trouble Ticket] window, the Basic Information pane contains the only available fields. Once you select the work flow the remainder of the pane becomes available plus the Adjustable and Other Fields panes. Within the Basic Information pane, you can create a Trouble Ticket number (or have one auto-generated), an alternate number and due date.

The Adjustable Fields pane allows you to enter in the ticket location and contact information. This pane includes site name, building name, contact name, contact number, etc.

The Adjustable Fields pane can be customized.  You can hide, repositions, and rename fields.  If you right click on the pane a menu box will open allowing you to perform the following options:

  • Rename field everywhere
  • Rename field in view
  • Mask on field everywhere
  • Mask on field in view
  • Change field required everywhere
  • Change field required in view
  • Update Dropdown
  • Copy
  • Customize
  • Remove this Column
  • Reset Column Visibility

To reposition a field, simple click on the left-hand side of the field, continue to hold the button down and drag and drop the field to the proper location. To learn more about customizing, see Getting Started à Customizing your CAIRS.

The Other Fields pane displays information regarding the ticket’s status. Each time the status of the ticket changes the information within this pane updates.

After completing the required fields within these three panes, the Create New Trouble button becomes available. Once clicked, the work flow displays within the Work Flow pane. Throughout your Trouble Ticket’s process, the button label changes to reflect the specific action you are completing. For example, when the information is complete in a work center or you are ready to close the ticket, the button label reads ‘Complete Work Center.’

The Portal Work Order Info pane displays the information entered by the subscriber when they created the ticket on the Subscriber Portal website. The information that is populated here will also be visible in the Adjustable Fields pane in the Portal Request field.

The Description pane allows the user to enter in a complete ticket description and remains available as the ticket moves through the workflow. The information that is populated here will also be visible in the Adjustable Fields pane in the Description field.

The Portal Request and the Description field can be restricted to read only access based on profile.  When you right click on the Adjustable Fields pane, the customization menu pops up, scroll down and click on Customize.  In the Customize Display popup, select the profile that you are customizing, within the Column Properties pane click the Read Only column to insert a checkmark.  You can select multiple profiles within the ‘Profiles to Update’ pane. Once saved the selected profiles will only be able to read the fields.  To learn more about Customizing, please see “Getting Started”.

Work Flow Pane

At the bottom of the pane are two tabs: Work Flow and Equipment and Services.  The Work Flow tab allows you to view the complete work flow.  The Equipment and Services tab allows you to view, add, and delete equipment and/or services related to the trouble ticket.

Once you create a Trouble Ticket, the complete work flow display within the Work Flow/Equipment and Services pane (if the work flow is not visible click the Work Flow tab located in the lower portion of the pane). The work flow starts at the top of the pane and flows to the bottom. Each time frame is indicated with a solid blue line that displays the time frame number. Each work center within the time frame is contained within a box with the work center name in the pink line at the top of the box. A green arrow displays to the left of the active work center. Within each work center are the available data components, in the example below the Subscriber component is the only one available with the Directory Work Center.


Note that there are two additional work centers within the above work flow: Inside Plant and QA. Once you complete the required fields within the Directory work center, the Trouble Ticket can be sent to the next time frame and work center. Once sent, the Directory work center turns to Not Active and the Inside Plant work center becomes active. You continue the same process until the Trouble Ticket reaches the final timeframe where you can complete and close the ticket.

The Equipment and Services tab allows you to view all equipment and/or services related to the trouble ticket.  In addition, you can add or delete equipment or services related to the Trouble Ticket.  If there are any charges related to the equipment or service, the account number located in the Adjustable Fields pane incurs all charges.

Configured Components Pane

Once all the required fields within a data component are complete and saved, a tab for the component displays in the lower right-hand pane. Each component type displays as a new tab. In the example below, there are two components for the Trouble Ticket, Set Devices and Subscribers. Within the Set Device tab, notice that there are two column; this indicates that the ticket is fixing two different set devices. Each new component of the same type displays as a new column within the tab.

To view the information for a component, click the tab and use the scroll bar to view the details. If your permissions allow, you can modify the information. To do so, double-click any field within the pane and/or column. The component screen opens allowing you to change the appropriate information. However, if the Trouble Ticket is in a work center that does not have access to the data component the information is read-only.

A Trouble Ticket – Start to Finish

Creating and Completing a Trouble Ticket

The first step is to create a new work order. The work flow changes depending on the type of ticket you are creating, however, the fields within the Adjustable Fields pane are consistent with every Trouble Ticket.

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. There are two ways to create a new Trouble Ticket:
    • Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the drop-down arrow next to New. From the list, select Trouble Ticket.
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Create New Trouble

The Trouble Ticket – [New Trouble Ticket] window opens allowing you to generate a new ticket.

  1. In the Basic Information pane, click the Work Flow drop-down arrow to access a list of the workflows created within your database. From the list, select the workflow.
  2. After selecting the workflow, the Order Number and the Due Date field become available. Depending on how your administrator has designed your work flow, the fields may auto-populate. However, if the fields are blank, complete the following fields:
    • Trouble Number – type an alphanumeric order number.
    • Alt Order Number – type an alphanumeric alternate order number.
    • Due Date – type the date the order is to be complete by, during the order process you can make changes to the due date.

Notice that once you select the work flow, the data components associated to the work centers become available. This allows you to select the component(s) associated to the Trouble Ticket before you create the ticket.

  1. To attach an existing component, within the Data Components ribbon group, click the lower portion of the component button to access a menu, from the menu, select the Search

! The Set Device button has two search options: Search for Existing Primary Devices – displays a list of the primary button information for all set devices and Search Existing Devices – displays a list of all telephone numbers associated to a set device and their button number.

  1. The Component Search pop-up opens. There are two ways to populate the information within the list:
    • Within the search box, type the name, number, or portion of the name or number and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. When you have located the component, double-click the row. A message box displays verifying that you have added the component to the ticket and asks if you want to add another. To add another component, click Yes within the box and repeat the process. To add only one component and return to the Trouble Ticket, click No.

After you click No, and after adding one or more components, the search window closes and you are back at the Trouble Ticket.

Within the lower right-hand corner, the associated components populate within the tabs. Each different component displays as a new tab. If you add more than one component of the same type, each component displays as a separate column within the tab.

When you select a component the site, building, switch name, and organization name populate with the information from the first component selected.

In addition, the Adjustable Fields, Other Fields, Portal Request, and Description panes become available.

  1. Within the Adjustable Fields pane, complete the following information, if you have associated a component some fields may already be populated, you can change the information (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Site * – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the site. The site drop-down list displays the bottom-most site first. After the ~~ is the complete path to the site. Each site level is separated by a >.
    • Building– click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the building name. This is the physical location of where to install, move, or modify the component.
    • Switch Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list select the switch name the new component(s) will be assigned to.
    • Organization Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list from the list, select the name of the organization. The organization drop-down list displays the bottom-most organization first. After the ~~the complete path to the selected organization displays. Each level of the organizational tree is separated by a >. Once you select an organization, the complete path populates within the field.
    • Subscriber Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the name of the subscriber associated with the new component(s).
    • Account Number – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list select the account number for the trouble ticket. Any charges related equipment and services for the ticket are charged to this account number.
    • Contact Name – type the name of the contact for this ticket.
    • Contact Phone – type the telephone number for the contact for this ticket.
    • TCO – click the drop-down arrow to access a list of the TCO Groups within your database, from the list select the group to associate to the work order. This field must be populated if you want your subscribers to see the TCO when viewing the work order through the Subscriber Portal.
    • Description – if your profile permissions allow you can type in a description for the trouble ticket here or in the Description pane. This field may remain active and editable throughout the ticket process.
    • Portal Request – if the trouble ticket was requested via the portal, this is the description the user entered. This field appears here as well as in its own pane because you can restrict editing based on profile.

The Portal Request pane displays the information entered by the subscriber when they created the work order on the Subscriber Portal website.

The Description pane allows the user to enter in a complete work order description and remains available as the Work Order moves through the workflow.

The Portal Request and the Description field can be restricted to read only access based on profile.  When you right click on the Adjustable Fields pane, the customization menu pops up, scroll down and click on Customize.  In the Customize Display popup, select the profile that you are customizing, within the Column Properties pane click the Read Only column to insert a checkmark.  You can select multiple profiles within the ‘Profiles to Update’ pane. Once saved the selected profiles will only be able to read the fields.  To learn more about Customizing, please see “Getting Started”.

    • Work order Category – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, from the list select the ticket category. After the creation of the trouble ticket, you can modify the category, if necessary.
  1. The Other Fields pane is read-only. This pane displays information regarding the status of the ticket; the following information is displayed:
    • User Name/Created By – this field remains blank until you generate the ticket at which time the field populates with your user name. Once you generate the ticket, this field name changes to Created By. When anybody views the ticket within your system, their user name displays in this field.
    • Open Date – auto-populates with the current date. When viewing the ticket, this field displays the open date.
    • Close Date – remains blank until a user closes the ticket at which time this field populates with the ticket’s close or cancel date.
    • Current Status*– auto-populates to Open. When viewing the ticket, this field displays the ticket status. You may see one of the following statuses:
      • Open
      • Closed
      • On Hold
      • Reviewed
      • Cancelled
      • Complete
      • Not Active
    • Pending Sent Back
    • Current Time Frame* – displays the time frame number the ticket is currently in.
    • User Name – this field remains blank until you generate the ticket at which time the field populates with your user name. Once you generate the ticket, this field name changes to Last Opened By. When anybody views the ticket within your system, their user name displays in this field.
    • Last Activity Date – this field remains blank until you generate the ticket, at which time the field populates with the current date and time. Once you generate the ticket, this field name changes to Last Opened. When the ticket is viewed or any changes are made, this field displays the date and time those actions were saved.
    • Hold Date – this field remains blank until you place the ticket on hold, if applicable. Once you place the ticket on hold, the date the hold is placed on the order displays in this box.

The Portal Request pane populates with information submitted via the Subscriber Portal.

  1. Click the Description field to type a description. Within this field be as descriptive as possible as all users with access to the ticket can view this field. You can access the field any time during the ticket process.
  2. Once the required information is complete within the upper pane, click the Create New Ticket

The Trouble Ticket is created and the workflow, order number and due date are grayed out. The open date, last opened by and last opened fields are completed with the appropriate information.

! At this point, the rest of the process greatly depends on your access rights. You may or may not be able to complete a work center or data component. If you have access rights, the work center and associated data component become available.

The Work Flow pane displays the work centers, time frames and data components associated with the work flow.

  1. If you have not already associated a data component you have two options to associate a Data Component:
    • To add a new component, click the button to access a drop-down list and from the list select Add.
    • To modify an existing component, click the button to access a drop-down list and from the list, select Search. The Component Search pop-up opens. There are two ways to populate the information within the list:
    • Within the search box, type the name, number, or portion of the name or number and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All

When you have located the component, click the row to highlight. Within the upper right-hand corner of the Component Search pop-up, click the red X to close.

! The Set Device has two search options. The Search for Existing Primary Devices displays a list of the primary button information for all set devices. The Search Existing Device displays a list of all telephone numbers associated to a set device and their button number. These options are helpful when you are working a Trouble Ticket because you can access the information relating to a specific button on a set.

  1. With either search or add the General component window opens. Complete the required fields (fields marked with an asterisk (*) for the data component. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save & Close to return to the ticket.

Back at the ticket screen, the complete data component displays in the lower right-hand pane. Every time you complete a new component, a new tab displays behind the first with the name of the component, if you add two of the same data component types, a new column displays within the tab. For example, if you are adding two set devices, there will be two columns within the Set Device tab.

  1. Once you have completed your work within the work center and you are ready to send the order on, click the Complete Work Center button within the Trouble Ticket Info

The work order moves to the next center. Notice that a complete checkbox now displays directly above completed work centers.

Once the ticket has moved through all the centers, the last work center can close the order.

  1. To close the order click the Complete Work Center button, a message box opens that asks, ‘That was the last work center, do you want to close this Trouble Ticket too?’ Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.

The Trouble Ticket window closes and you are returned to the Troubles list.

Adding an Existing Component

If you haven’t already associated a component or need to associate additional components, follow these steps.

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. There are two ways to create a new Trouble Ticket:
    • Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the drop-down arrow next to New. From the list, select Trouble Ticket.
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Create New Trouble
  1. The Trouble Ticket – [New Trouble Ticket] window opens allowing you to generate a new ticket.
  2. In the Basic Information pane, click the Work Flow drop-down arrow to access a list of the workflows created within your database. From the list, select the workflow.

! Once the information within the Basic Information pane is completed and you create the ticket, the pane name change to Trouble Ticket Info.

  1. After selecting the workflow, the Order Number and the Due Date field become available. Depending on how your administrator has designed your work flow, the fields may auto-populate. However, if the fields are blank, complete the following fields:
    • Trouble Number – type an alphanumeric order number.
    • Alt Order Number – type an alphanumeric alternate order number.
    • Due Date – type the date the order is to be complete by, during the order process you can make changes to the due date.
  1. Notice that once you select the work flow, the data components associated to the work centers become available. This allows you to select the component(s) associated to the Trouble Ticket before you create the ticket.
  2. To attach an existing component, within the Data Components ribbon group, click the drop-down arrow associate to the appropriate component to access a menu. From the menu, select the Search

! The Set Device button has two search options: Search for Existing Primary Devices – displays a list of the primary button information for all set devices and Search Existing Devices – displays a list of all telephone numbers associated to a set device and their button number.

  1. The Component Search pop-up opens. There are two ways to populate the information within the list:
    • Within the search box, type the name, number, or portion of the name or number and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. When you have located the component, double-click the row. A message box displays verifying that you have added the component to the ticket and asks if you want to add another. To add another component, click Yes within the box. To add only one component and return to the Trouble Ticket, click No.
  2. After you click No and after adding one or more components, the search window closes and you are back at the Trouble Ticket.
  3. Within the lower right-hand corner, the associated components populate within the tabs. Each different component displays as a new tab. If you add more than one component of the same type, each component displays as a separate column within the tab.
  4. After the component is associated, the site, building, switch name and account number fields automatically populate within the Adjustable Fields pane.
  5. You can modify those fields if necessary by clicking the field and typing or selecting the new information.
  6. Once all required fields are populated, click the Create New Ticket button within the Basic Information pane.
  7. The ticket is created and the workflow, ticket number and due date are grayed out. The open date, last opened by and last opened fields are completed with the appropriate information.
  8. You can continue to work on the trouble ticket if your permissions allow.

Associating Equipment and/or Services to a Trouble Ticket

At times, there is a need to associate equipment or a service directly to a ticket. When you create the Trouble Ticket, you must complete the Account Number field within the Adjustable Fields pane. This is the account number CAIRS uses to bill the charges accumulated with the ticket. At any time during the Trouble Ticket process, you can add an account number to the ticket by clicking on the drop-down arrow in the account number field within the Adjustable Fields pane.

Since adding, modifying, deleting and viewing equipment and services is the same throughout CAIRS, we have consolidated the process into one section on the manual.  Please see Common Elements – Equipment & Services to learn how to more.

Trouble Ticket Notes

Before you started adding notes it is a good idea to add some note categories.  These categories help to group the notes based on a common element.  For example, Update Ticket, Remove Component, etc.  To learn more about adding note categories, please see Common Elements à Managing Note Categories.

Since the process to adding, modifying, deleting and viewing notes is the same throughout CAIRS, we have consolidated the process into one section on the manual.  Please see Common Elements à Notes to learn more.

Show Ribbon Group

Within the Show ribbon group, the Trouble and Trouble Log buttons allow you to manipulate how you view the Trouble Ticket information. As well as viewing the history of actions performed on the ticket.

Trouble Log

The log provides you with a location to view the activity that occurred on the ticket. It provides such information as the action, user name, status, etc.

Viewing a Trouble Ticket’s Activity

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click the All Active Troubles sub-menu.
  3. The list of open Trouble Tickets populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Within the list, double-click the order to access.
  2. Within the Show ribbon group, click the Order Log The log shows every action completed on the ticket.
  3. Within the Order Log, the following information is displayed:

·         Activity Note

·         User Name

·         Activity Date*

·         Order Status*

·         Component Name

·         Work Center Status
  1. To return to the ticket, within the Show ribbon group, click the Order


Trouble Tickets submitted through Subscriber Portal work a little differently than the standard ticket. Each type of trouble ticket your administrator(s) allows subscribers to request, combine to form a configuration package. Each configuration package includes the following information:

  • Work Order Type – indicates whether the package is for a set device, circuit, cell phone, authorization code or general task
  • Work Order Action – indicates what type of action the subscriber is requesting either add, modify, or delete
  • Work Flow Name – indicates the associated work flow within CAIRS
  • Approval Requirements – indicates if the request requires approval from a TCO and/or Resource Manager
  • Sites and/or Organizations – indicates what site and/or organization can submit the request.
  • Related Equipment and/or Services – indicates the necessary equipment and/or services related to the request and the associated cost.

Once a subscriber has submitted the request and the request is approved the information is sent to the work order system and into the first work center. You will notice that the Portal Request pane and the Portal ribbon group become available. The Portal Request pane displays the work request description that the subscriber entered into the website. The Packages button, within the Portal ribbon group, allows you to view the complete package details submitted by the subscriber. The fields are read-only.

Viewing Package Details

  1. Click the Orders/Troubles
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open tickets populates. If you have a large number of active trouble tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the trouble number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Show ribbon group, click the Package
  3. The screen changes to display the Selected Configuration Packages. The two panes provide the complete package details as submitted by the subscriber.
  4. The top pane displays the some basic package information. By clicking the plus (+) sign next, you can view the package details including the equipment and/or services, related to the package.
  5. The Package Fields pane displays any additional notes the subscriber entered regarding the request.
  6. To return to the work order screen, click the Order button within the Show ribbon group.

Trouble History

History provides the user with timeline of the actions that have occurred on the ticket. The main window provides a basic list of the actions, by double-clicking on the action; a pop-up opens with a detailed description of the action.  Viewing history is the same throughout CAIRS, we have consolidated history into one section of the manual.  Please see Common Elements à History to learn more.

Data Components Ribbon Group

When you enter a work center, there will be one or more data components (as assigned by your CAIRS administrator) ready for completion. Each of the data components allows you to manipulate a particular item within your database. The available components differ depending on the type of Trouble Ticket, work center needs, and user privileges. The following data components are available:

  • Subscriber – allows you to add, delete, and modify a database subscriber.
  • Authorization Code – allows you to add, delete, and modify authorization codes.
  • Circuit – allows you to add, delete, and modify a main circuit and circuit segments.
  • Account – allows you to associate accounting/billing information to a set device, circuit, or subscriber.
  • General Task – allows you to manage work order and/or Trouble Tickets tasks.
  • Cell Phone – allows you to add, delete, and modify cell phones.
  • Set Device – allows you to add, delete, and modify an analog, digital, and IP set into the database.
  • Set Device (EWSD) – allows those with an EWSD Switch to add, delete, and modify sets.

Each Data Component button is segmented (depending on your screen size the button may not be segmented but may only contain a drop-down arrow). When you click the lower portion of the button, a drop-down list displays. For each component there is a search option, this allows you to search for an existing component to associate to the work order. The Set Device button has two search options:

  • Search for Existing Primary Devices – displays a list of the primary button information for all set devices
  • Search Existing Devices – displays a list of all telephone numbers associated to a set device and their button number

When you click the components button, CAIRS opens the general screen for that component. Once the component is open, complete the necessary fields, required fields must be completed before the Trouble Ticket can move to the next work center. All configured components display within the Configured Components pane in the lower right-hand corner of the work order screen.

Adding a New Data Component

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Data Components ribbon group, click an available button of the component to add to the ticket.
  3. The General – Component window opens.
  4. Complete the required fields, then within the Actions ribbon group, click Save & Close to return to the order.
  5. Within the lower right-hand corner, the configured components populate with tabs. Each different component displays as a new tab. If you add more than one component of the same type, each component displays as a separate column within the tab.
  6. If you are completing the work center (if all the required fields for the component are complete) and you are ready to send the ticket to the next center, click the Complete Work Center button, within the Trouble Ticket Info
  7. If you are still working within the work center, within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) or Save & Close (to save and exit).

Searching for Existing Data Components

Each Data Component button is segmented (depending on your screen size the button may not be segmented but may only contain a drop-down arrow). When you click the lower portion of the button, a drop-down list displays. For each component there is a search option, this allows you to search for an existing component to associate to the Trouble Ticket. The Set Device button has two search options:

  • Search for Existing Primary Devices – displays a list of the primary button information for all set devices
  • Search Existing Devices – displays a list of all telephone numbers associated to a set device and their button number

Complete the following to search for an existing component

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.

! Depending on the size of your window, each of the data component buttons may contain a drop-down arrow or segments. By clicking the arrow, a list displays. From the list, select Search.

  1. Within the Data Components ribbon group, click the arrow to access a drop-down menu. From the menu select the Search
  2. The Component Search pop-up opens. There are two ways to populate the information within the list:
    • Within the search box, type the name, number, or portion of the name or number and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. When you have located the component, double-click the row. A message box displays verifying that you have added the component to the order and asks if you want to add another. To add another component, click Yes within the box. To add only one component and return to the ticket, click No.
  2. After you click No, and after adding one or more components, the search window closes and you are back at the Trouble Ticket.
  3. Within the lower right-hand corner, the configured components populate with tabs. Each different component displays as a new tab. If you add more than one component of the same type, each component displays as a separate column within the tab.
  4. If you are completing the work center (if all the required fields for the component are complete) and you are ready to send the ticket to the next center, click the Complete Work Center button, within the Trouble Ticket Info
  5. If you are still working within the work center, within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) or Save & Close (to save and exit).

Dropping a Component

Often times you may need to remove a configured component from a Trouble Ticket without having to delete the entire trouble. From the drop-down menu for each data component there is a drop option. This option allows you to drop any configured component from the ticket. Keep in mind this only drops the information from the work order, so if you have saved the component, it remains within the database.

! It is important to remember that when you drop a component from a Trouble Ticket you are simply removing the association to the ticket. Since you have previously saved the information for the component, it remains within the database. If you truly want to remove the component from your database, you will need to delete the component.

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.

! Depending on the size of your window, each of the data component buttons may contain a drop-down arrow or segments. By clicking the arrow, a list displays. From the list, select Search.

  1. Within the Data Components ribbon group, click the arrow to access a drop-down menu. From the menu, select the Drop
  2. A window with the configured components for the ticket opens. Within the list, highlight the component to remove from the ticket.
  3. Within the upper right-hand corner of the window, click the Drop Selected Component. Be aware, there is no undo button; once you click the button, you completely remove the component from the ticket.

The component is removed and no longer displays in the lower right-hand pane of the ticket.

  1. If you are completing the work center (if all the required fields for the component are complete) and you are ready to send the ticket to the next center, click the Complete Work Center button, within the Trouble Ticket Info
  2. If you are still working within the work center, within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) or Save & Close (to save and exit).

Order Actions Ribbon Group

Within the Order Actions ribbon group, you can perform several different actions to the ticket. For example, you can send a ticket to a particular person within the next work center.

Send To

The Send To action allows you to send a Trouble Ticket to a person who has access to the next work center. In the example below, the Trouble Ticket is currently in the Work Center: Directory, you can send the Trouble Ticket to a specific person in either the Work Center: Inside Plant, Work Center: Outside Plant or Work Center: QA. When a Trouble Ticket is sent to you, you can view those order through Orders à My Work Center Troubles.

Sending a Trouble Ticket to a User

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Send To A drop-down lists the next work center(s) within the workflow.
  3. Mouse over the top of a work center name. A list of users with access to the next work center displays. From the list, select the name of the person to send the trouble ticket to, you will see the first name, last name and user name display.
  4. A message box displays allowing you to type any key ticket issues. Once the message is complete, click the OK
  5. In order for the action to be processed, you need to complete the work center. Make sure all required fields for the associated data components are complete and click the Complete Work Center button within the Trouble Ticket Info
  6. If you have access to the next work center, the order remains open. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save & Close (save and exit) to return to the Troubles list.

Viewing a Trouble Ticket Sent to You

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then My Work Center Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. The My Troubles list populates with a list of Trouble Tickets that another user sent to you.
  2. To access the ticket, double-click the order number. The Trouble Ticket window opens. Directly below the ribbon is a yellow line. Within the line, notice that your user name displays in the attn field and the reason for sending the ticket to you displays in the note field.

Send Back (Rejecting)

When a person in a previous work center is missing or enters in incorrect information, you can send the Trouble Ticket back or reject it to a particular work center. By sending a Trouble Ticket back, you are making that ticket go through all the previous work centers. For example, if you send a Trouble Ticket back to the first work center, it will have to go through all work centers again before the ticket is closed.

Sending a Trouble Ticket Back to a Work Center

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Send Back A drop-down lists the previous work center(s) within the workflow.
  3. Mouse over the top of a work center name. A list of users with access to the work center displays. From the list select the name of the person to send the trouble ticket back to, you will see the first name, last name and user name display.
  4. A message box displays allowing you to type any key issues regarding the ticket. Once the message is complete, click the OK
  5. In order for the action to be processed, you need to complete the work center. Make sure all required fields for the associated data components are complete and click the Complete Work Center button within the Trouble Ticket Info
  6. If you have access to the work center, the order remains open. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save & Close (save and exit) to return to the Troubles list.

Assign To

The Assign To option allows you to assign this trouble ticker to a person who has access to the current work center. Once you assign it to the person, they can view the Trouble Tickets assigned to them through Orders àTroubles Assigned to Me.

Assigning a Trouble Ticket

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Assign To A drop-down field lists the current work center within the workflow.
  3. Move the pointer over a work center name. A list of users with access to the work center displays. From the list, select the name of the person to assign the trouble ticket to, you will see the first name, last name and user name display.
  4. A message box displays allowing you to type any key issues regarding the ticket. Once the message is complete, click the OK
  5. The ticket window remains open. To complete the process, click the Save & Close button with the Actions ribbon group.

Viewing a Trouble Ticket Assigned to You

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then Troubles Assigned to Me.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All

The My Troubles list populates with a list of Trouble Tickets that another user sent to you.

  1. To access the ticket, double-click the order number. The Trouble Ticket window opens. Directly below the ribbon is a yellow line. Within the line, notice that your user name displays in the attn field and the reason for sending the ticket to you displays in the note field.

Put On Hold and Remove From Hold

You may need to place a Trouble Ticket on hold for various reasons. When you hold a Trouble Ticket, the ticket will not affect any due dates that you have in place. Once you put a work order on hold, the order is moved from the Active Troubles list and placed in the Held Troubles list.

Holding a Trouble Ticket

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Put On Hold
  3. A message box displays allowing you to enter a reason why the ticket is going on hold. Type the reason and click the OK The ticket window closes.
  4. To view a list of Trouble Tickets currently on hold, click Troubles then Held Troubles.

Viewing a Held Trouble Ticket

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles then Held Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All

The Held Troubles list populates with a list of Trouble Tickets on hold.

  1. To access the ticket, double-click on the order number. The Trouble Ticket window opens. Directly below the ribbon is a yellow line. Within the line, notice the status has changed to OnHold with the reason the Trouble Ticket is on hold. Once you remove the ticket from hold, the status changes to Open.

Releasing a Held Trouble Ticket

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then Held Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Remove From Hold
  3. A message box displays to allow you to enter a reason for removing the hold, entering a reason is optional. Type the reason and click the OK
  4. The ticket opens to the work center that was open when the order was held.
  5. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (save and stay) to continue working with the order or Save & Close (save and exit) to return to the Troubles list.

Cancel Order

You can cancel a Trouble Ticket at any time during the work flow. However, if you have components associated to the Trouble Ticket, they remain in your database. In order to change or remove the configured components you must access them through menu item.

Cancelling a Work Order

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click on the order number.
  2. A Trouble Tickets window opens. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Cancel Order
  3. If you have configured components for the ticket, a message box displays informing you that cancelling the ticket will not change the status of the configured components. Even if you cancel the ticket the configured components remain in your database.
  4. Within the box, click Yes to continue cancelling the ticket or No to return to the ticket, remove the configured component and then cancel the ticket.
  5. Once you click Yes, a text box displays allowing you to enter in a reason for cancelling. Type the reason and click the OK
  6. To view the cancelled Trouble Tickets, click Troubles then Order History.

Optional Work Centers

When your administrator creates your different workflows, they can designate certain work centers as optional for that workflow. With the Optional Work Centers button within the Order Actions ribbon group, you can add the work center back into the workflow.

Viewing the Optional Work Centers

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Optional Work Centers
  3. A list of the optional work centers displays below the button.

Adding the Optional Work Centers into an Open Order

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number. A Trouble Ticket window opens.
  2. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Optional Work Centers
  3. A box opens with a list of all the optional work centers. Within the box, click on the checkbox next to each work center that you want to add into the trouble ticket.
  4. Once they are selected, click on the Actiate Selected Centers button in the lower right-hand corder of the box. Alternatively, click on the Cancel Changes button to not add any optional work centers into the work flow.
  5. The work centers are added, you can view them wihtin the Work Flow pane.
  6. Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save (save and stay) button to continue working with the order or click the Save & Close (save and exit) button to return to the Troubles list.

Removing a Work Center

You can remove any work center from a Trouble Ticket. This allows your site to create one work flow for all Trouble Tickets within your database. For example, you can create one work flow that can be used for set device, cell phone and circuits troubles. With the ability to remove a work center from a work flow, you can manipulate the work flow as it progresses from start to finish.

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number.
  2. Within the Work Flow pane, right-click on the work center to remove from the work flow, click Remove Work Center selection.

! In order for a work center to be removed from the work flow, your CAIRS administrator must designate the work center as optional within the work flow. To learn more about the creating work flows, see System Admin àWork Flows.

  1. A message box opens verifying that you really want to remove the work center from the work flow. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel the operation.
  2. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (save and stay) to continue working with the ticket or Save & Close (save and exit) to return to the Work Order

Switching a TT to a WO

You can switch a trouble ticket to a work order ticket by clicking the Switch to Work Order button, this does not change the work flow it simply moves the ticket from the trouble section to the work order section. There is a button in work orders that allow you to move the ticket back into trouble tickets.

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number.
  2. A trouble ticket window opens.
  3. Within the Order Actions ribbon group, click the Switch to Work Order button.
  4. Once clicked the trouble ticket window closes and you are returned to the Troubles list.

! Remember that this does not change the trouble ticket or work centers for the ticket, it simply moves the ticket to the Orders list.  You still have to complete the requirements for the initial work flow selected.

  1. To view the order just switched, click Orders à All Active Orders.

Custom Reporting

The Custom Reporting ribbon group allows you to print the trouble ticket information on a form designed by you.  The form is created by your CAIRS administrators within System Admin à Custom Report Templates.  When you click the Custom Report button, a selection box opens allowing you to select the report template to print with the ticket information.

Generating a Custom Report

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Active Troubles.
  3. A list of the open troubles populates. If you have a large number of active tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list opens, double-click the order number.
  2. A trouble ticket window opens.
  3. Within the Reporting ribbon group, click the Custom Report button. The Select Report Template window opens, within the list find the template to use, click on the name to highlight.
  4. Within the lower portion of the window, click the Generate Report button.
  5. The report opens in the appropriate program allowing you to save, print or send.

Attach Ribbon Group

Before you can attach files to a record, your CAIRS administrator must determine the allowable file types and size.  Please contact your CAIRS administrator if you are unable to attach files.

There are two different types of files that you can attach to a record; the first button allows you to attach a regular file. These files follow the record and other users are able to see them. Although, this is convenient, if changes need to be made to the file, the file will have to be saved and then re-attached.

The second file attachment type allows you to attach a link to a file that is in a shared location.  The benefit of this file attachment is that when changes are made to the file there is no need to reattach the file.  The disadvantage is that all CAIRS users have to have access to the shared file location.

Since the process to add, modify, delete and view Attachments is the same throughout CAIRS, we have consolidated the process into one section on the manual.  Please see Common Elements à File Attachments to learn how to more.

Viewing a Trouble Ticket

Within the Navigation pane, there are five different ways to view Trouble Tickets. You can view open, closed and/or cancelled Trouble Tickets within your database. The six available options are:

  • My Work Center Troubles – provides a list of Trouble Tickets currently assigned into a work center that you have permission to view.
  • Troubles Assigned to Me – provides a list of Trouble Tickets assigned or sent to you by another user.
  • Troubles Created By Me – provides a list of the Trouble Tickets that you created.
  • Held Troubles – provides a list of Trouble Tickets currently on hold.
  • All Active Troubles – provides a list of all the open Trouble Tickets
  • Trouble History – provides a list of Trouble Tickets that have been cancelled or completed.

Each selection displays information regarding the Trouble Ticket. When you right-click on a column, you can change the amount of information within the line display. You can also change the order of the columns by clicking and holding on the column header, then drag and drop it to the new location within the line display (when you click and hold two red arrows displays so you know where you are in the line display).

My Work Center Troubles

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then My Work Center Troubles.
  3. A list of the Trouble Ticket currently in a work center that you can access populates. If you have a large number of Trouble Tickets, the list may not populate, there are two ways to populate the list:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Find the Trouble Ticket within the list and double-click it to open the Trouble Ticket details window.

Troubles Assigned to You

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then Troubles Assigned to Me.
  3. A list of Trouble Tickets assigned to you or sent to you by another user populates. If you have a large number of tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Find the Trouble Ticket within the list and double-click it to open the Trouble Ticket details window.

Troubles you created

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then Troubles Created by Me.
  3. A list of Trouble Tickets assigned to you or sent to you by another user populates. If you have a large number of tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Find the Trouble Ticket within the list and double-click it to open the Trouble Ticket details window.

Held Troubles

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then Held Troubles.
  3. A list of Trouble Tickets on hold populates. If you have a large number of Trouble Tickets, the list may not populate, there are two ways to populate the list:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Find the Trouble Ticket within the list and double-click it to open the Trouble Ticket details window.

Viewing All Trouble Tickets

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then All Troubles.
  3. A list of all the open Trouble Tickets populates. If you have a large number of tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All button.
  1. Find the Trouble Ticket within the list and double-click it to open the Trouble Ticket details window.

Viewing Closed or Cancelled Trouble Tickets

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then Order History.
  3. A list of closed or cancelled Trouble Tickets populates. If you have a large number of tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. The Current Status column displays whether the ticket was completed or cancelled.
  2. Find the Trouble Ticket within the list and double-click it to open the Trouble Ticket details window.


Often times, a Trouble Ticket may be closed before the work is completed. In this case, you can re-open the ticket, instead of creating a new one. When you access the Trouble Ticket within History, the button used to create and complete the work center is now used to re-open the Trouble Ticket.

Reopening a Trouble Ticket

  1. Click Orders/Troubles.
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Troubles and then Order History.
  3. A list of closed or cancelled Trouble Tickets populates. If you have a large number of tickets, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Find the order within the list and double-click it to open the Trouble Ticket details window.
  2. Within the Trouble Ticket Info pane, click the Reopen Trouble Ticket button to change the order status to Active.

The order opens to the last Work Center and Time Frame.

  1. You can send the ticket to a previous work center and time frame by using the Send Back button within the Order Actions ribbon group.
  2. Click the Save button, to save and stay or the Save & Close button to return to the Troubles list.

The ticket now displays within the All Active Troubles list.