Monitoring a CES Processes

Monitor CES Processes

You can monitor all CES processes as they work through your data to complete the specific action.  Within the Actions pane, click the Monitor CES Processes link, the CES Monitor window opens.  There are two panes of information within this window, the Remote CES Instances and CES Processes.

The Remote CES Instances pane displays a list of all the CES instances and its status, computer name, version, last response date and time, some additional information (like IP address).  The following statuses are available:

Active – An active status means you CES is running and its version number matches that of your CAIRS. All active statuses are marked in a solid green line.  Green is good!

Initializing – This status is associated with a pulsing yellow line.  This means that you CES is working to determine whether it is Active or Offline.  This is important to monitor until it changes to Green or Red.

Offline – The status is marked in a solid red line.  This means that you CES is offline.  There are a couple of causes, first your version numbers do not match, update either CES or your CAIRS.  Second, the instance of CES is no longer valid, meaning you may have changed servers, if this happens you can delete all offline instances of CES.

Duplicate – This status is marked in a solid purple line.  This is status needs immediate attention.  This means that there are duplicate instances of CES running; this can cause damage to your CAIRS.  You need to stop the duplicate instance and uninstall.

Obsolete – An obsolete status means that your CES is out-of-date.  If your CES is actively running, the status will remain in obsolete, you need to update you version immediately.  If the instance of CES is offline, the status changes to obsolete after the initiation is complete, you can delete this instance of CES.

The CES process pane displays an individual status of all the different CES processes available.  For each process there are three-color options, they are as follows:

Green – this means the process is completed or has not yet been initialized

Red – this means that you have disabled the process.  You can enable the process by closing out of the monitor, open the process from the Service Manager list and remove the checkmark from the disabled field.

Maroon – this means the process is currently running, when completed the color will change to green.

To view further details of the process, you can close out of the CES Monitor and open the individual process through the Service Manager list.