Network Device Types

The next thing to setup is all your network device types.  These are basically general categories for your network devices.  For example, 16 port network switch, 12 port ethernet switch, 24 port patch panel, etc.   Your site will have multiple network devices of the same types.  Each device type will have a specific set of ports that can be used.

Manage Network Device Types

  1. Click the Configured Items or Facilities
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Network Devices.
  3. There are two ways to manage your network device types:
    • Within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the Manage Network Device Types
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Manage Network Device Types
  1. With either option, the Manage Device Types window opens.

! If you are unable to view the Actions pane, you may need to use the scroll bar to reveal the menu choices on the right side of the Navigation pane, or using your mouse point at the Separation bar, and when the up/down arrow displays, right-click the line and hold it to pull the line down.

Adding a Network Device Type

  1. Click the field marked with an asterisk (*) to add a new record, complete the following fields (required fields are marked within an asterisk (*)):
    • Device Type Name* – type in the name of the device, for example 16 port network hub, Cisco 2960, etc.
    • Device Type OID – type in the SNMP OID or object identifier for this device types. If this is unknown, leave the field blank
    • Device Type Vendor – type in the vendor, if known. This is a text field so you can type in Unknown Vendor, Multiple Vendors, etc.
    • Default Trunk Port Type – click on the field to access a dropdown list, from the list select the port types (i.e. coax, copper, ethernet)

A few notes about ports…

A device can have up to all four port types (trunk, access, mixed or patch).

Port number cannot overlap.  If the trunk port range is 1-15, then the next set of ports must start at 16.

    • Default Start/End Trunk Port – this determines the first and last trunk port number in the range for this port mode, type in the first and last port numbers into the appropriate fields.
    • Default Access Port Type – click on the field to access a dropdown list, from the list select the port types (i.e. coax, copper, ethernet)
    • Default Start/End Access Port – this determines the first and last access port number in the range for this port mode, type in the first and last port numbers into the appropriate fields.
    • Default Mixed Port Type – click on the field to access a dropdown list, from the list select the port types (i.e. coax, copper, ethernet)
    • Default Start/End Mixed Port – this determines the first and last mixed port number in the range for this port mode, type in the first and last port numbers into the appropriate fields.
    • Default Patch Port Type – click on the field to access a dropdown list, from the list select the port types (i.e. coax, copper, ethernet)
    • Default Start/End Patch Port – this determines the first and last patch port number in the range for this port mode, type in the first and last port numbers into the appropriate fields.
    • Device Type Description – use this field to type in a description or use this field for any miscellaneous information regarding the network device type.

Any of the port types (i.e. coax, copper, ethernet) can be changed once the device type is associated to the actual network device on an individual basis.

  1. To add another type, click the Save button and repeat step 5, as necessary.

Deleting a Network Device Type

  1. There are two ways to select the type to delete:
    • Right-click the record selector box (located just left of the name) to access a popup menu, from the menu click Delete.
    • Highlight the name in the list and within the Actions ribbon group click the Delete
  1. Once you click Delete, a message box displays verifying that you really want to delete the type. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation.
  2. Once selected, CAIRS draws a line through the type allowing you to delete multiple types at once.
  3. If you do not want to delete the network device type, right-click the record to access a pop-up menu. From the pop-up, click Undelete.
  4. Once you select Undelete, a message box displays verifying that you really want to keep the type. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation.
  5. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with network device types, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Network Device list.