Configuration Packages – Related Fields

Adding Related Fields to a Configuration Package

Administrators can add fields to this ribbon group and require the Subscriber to complete them before submitting the package into CAIRS.

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next to Subscriber Portal to access the submenu
  3. Again, click the plus sign (+) next to Configuration Packages to access a submenu of the different configuration packages you can create, the following options are available:
    • Set Device Package
    • Circuit Package
    • Cell Phone Package
    • Authorization Code Package
    • General Task Package
  1. Within the list, click the package type. Depending on the amount of package you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and click the magnifying glass
    • Click the Show All button
  1. The Configuration Package list opens. Within the list, double-click the package to open the General – Configuration Package
  2. Within the Show ribbon group, click the Related Fields
  3. Within this ribbon group, you add fields the Subscriber must complete before submitting the Configuration package into CAIRS. There are two panes of information; the left-hand pane displays any workflow custom fields that may need to be completed. The right-hand pane allows you to add your own custom fields, to add a field click the row marked with an asterisk (*) and complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
    • Sort Position – indicates the order the Subscriber completes the fields. Click the field to enter a number starting with zero (0). Assign each added field the next number.
    • Display Name* – click on the drop-down arrow to access a list. From the list, select the field type: Location, Related Directory Line DataRelated Work Order Fields or Custom Field.
    • Field Name* – click on the drop-down arrow to access a list from the list select the name of the field the subscriber needs to complete. The fields change based on the information you selected in the Display Name column.
    • Custom Field Name – type the field name as it will appear on the Subscriber Portal page. For instance, if the CAIRS field name is Termination, you may want to change it to Building.
    • Availability* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select when the field becomes available to the subscriber. The following options are available:
    • At Creation – select this option to have the field display the moment the order is created, then throughout the entire work order process.
    • For Review – this field displays after the creation of the work order and displays the status of the review process.
    • After Close – this field displays when the work order is completed.
    • Not Available – this field’s purpose is still in development.
    • Textbox Lines – this numeric value determines the amount of lines within the textbox used to enter in the information. The larger the number the bigger the textbox, it is best to start with a lower number and increase as needed.
    • Required Field – a checkmark in the field indicates that this is a required field, click the box to remove the checkmark to make the field optional.
  1. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue adding information for the package, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the configuration package list.

Deleting Related Fields from a Configuration Package

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next to Subscriber Portal to access the submenu
  3. Again, click the plus sign (+) next to Configuration Packages to access a submenu of the different configuration packages you can create, the following options are available:
    • Set Device Package
    • Circuit Package
    • Cell Phone Package
    • Authorization Code Package
    • General Task Package
  1. Within the list, click the package type. Depending on the amount of package you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and click the magnifying glass
    • Click the Show All button
  1. The Configuration Package list opens. Within the list, double-click the package to open the General – Configuration Package
  2. Within the Show ribbon group, click the Related Fields
  3. Within the list of fields, right-click the name to access a pop-up menu, click Delete.
  4. Once you click Delete, a message box displays verifying that you really want to delete the field. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel the operation.
  5. Once selected, CAIRS draws a line through the site; allowing you to delete multiple fields at once.
  6. If you do not want to delete the field, right-click the record, and click Undelete.
  7. Once you select Undelete, a message box displays verifying that you really want to keep the field. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation.
  8. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue adding information for the package, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the configuration package list.