Billing Reports


This section provides you an area to produce different reports regarding your billing processes. There are six report types that you can generate, they are:

  • Billing Reports – allows you to generate charge summaries for extensions, account, orgs, etc.
  • Unofficial Bill Summary by Number – generates a report based on item number whether a telephone number or cell phone number associated to unofficial accounts only
  • Unofficial Bill Summary by Subscriber – generates a report on subscribers associated to unofficial accounts only.
  • Financial Summary – this report works in connection with Unique Financial and STARS
  • Rejected Authorization Codes – displays a list of the authorizations codes that exist within your call records but do not have matching records within your database
  • Payment History – displays a list of the payments made and the associated account number
  • Billed Equipment and Service Summary – provides a list of the equipment and services that have been billed upon, the report is based on the equipment or service name
  • Billed Inventory – provides a list of the account number and the associated equipment and services charges that have been billed
  • Bill Certification – allows you to view the bills that are certified and uncertified for a particular billing cycle.

After you generate any report to the screen you can export that information into an Excel, PDF or text file.

Billing Reports

Billing reports allow you to create a variety of reports for billing data within your database. In order for you to generate a report, you must have run at least one bill. pulls data from the billing cycles to produce your report.

There are several different reports that you can create based on a variety of search parameters. Within the Report Setup pane, you create templates that allow you to generate the same report on a regular basis. Once a report is generate to your screen, you can then export the information to an excel spreadsheet or a PDF file.

There are five different report selections to choose from, each of the selections bases the charges and totals on a particular parameter. The five report selections are as follows:

  • Charge Summary – displays a list of the total one-time, recurring and call charges, adjustments and the total for each account number, the grand total for all charges displays at the bottom of the list
  • Charge Summary by Extension – displays the same information as the charge summary adding the extension/number and the total minutes and call counts. The grand total displays at the bottom of the list as well as a few average values.
  • Revenue – displays the same information as the charge summary adding the number of statements generated for the billing dates entered as well as the payment made for each account. Again the grand total displays at the bottom of the list as well as total based on statement and account.
  • Charge Summary by Organization – displays the same information as the charge summary adding all the organization levels and the total minutes and call counts. The grand total displays at the bottom of the list as well as a few average values.
  • Charge Summary by Org and Extension – displays the same information as the charge summary adding the extension/number and the organization and the total minutes and call counts. The grand total displays at the bottom of the list as well as a few average values.
  • Charge Summary by Accounts Top Organization – displays the same information as the charge summary adding only the top level organization. All charges for lower level organizations display on the top level line.
  • Charge Summary By Rollup Organization and Account – displays the same information as the charge summary, however, the charges for the each account number is rolled together for each organization. If an account number is associated to more than one organization, the appropriate charges are rolled into each organization.
  • Charge Summary Rollup By Organization – displays the same information as the charge summary however; the charges for all child organizations are rolled into the charges for the parent organization. For example, if you have the organization structure of Unique à Documentation, the charges for documentation would be included in the total for Unique.
  • Charge Summary by Rollup Organization and Extension – displays the same information as the charge summary, however, the charges for each extension is rolled into the charges for the parent organization.

Creating a Report

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Billing Reports.
  3. Within the right hand pane, the screen changes displaying two panes. Within the top pane complete the following field (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Report Name* – type the name of the report to generate. Be as specific as possible so you know what the report generates for future use.
    • Heading Text – type the heading text for the report, this information displays at the top of the exported report.
    • Report Selection* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the type of report to generate, (please see the above descriptions).
    • Fiscal Year* – type the fiscal year.

! If this is a one-time report and it does not generate to the screen, remove the fiscal year and try to generate the report again. If you are creating a template, save the template and then generate the report.

    • Start Billing End Date* – click the drop-down arrow to access a calendar and from the calendar select the first date of the billing cycle. To change the month and year click the right or left arrow. Once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
    • End Billing End Date* – click the field to access a drop-down calendar and from the calendar select the last date of the billing cycle. To change the month and year click the right or left arrow. Once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
    • Report Detail* – click the field to access a drop-down list and from the list select the report detail type: Detail and Total, Detail Only, or Total Only.
    • Exclude Zero Cost * – click the box to insert a checkmark indicating you do not want to see zero cost items within your report, leave the field blank to include all items within your report.
    • Exclude Official * – click the box to insert a checkmark indicating you do not want to see Official Accounts within your report or leave the field blank to include official accounts.
    • Exclude Unofficial * – click the box to insert a checkmark indicating you do not want to see Unofficial Accounts within your report or leave the field blank to include unofficial accounts.
    • Show Separate Call Types * – click the box to insert a checkmark indicating you want your report to generate a total for each call type.
    • Show Separate Vendor Charges * – click the box to insert a checkmark indicating that you want your report to generate a total for each Vendor.
    • Account Number – to generate the report for a specific account number, click the drop-down arrow to access a list. From the list, select the account number.
    • TCO – to generate the report for a specific TCO, click the drop-down arrow to access a list. From the list, select the TCO name.
    • Organization Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list from the list, select the name of the organization. The organization drop-down list displays the bottom-most organization first. After the ~~ the complete path to the selected organization displays. Each level of the organizational tree is separated by a >. Once you select an organization, the complete path populates within the field.
    • Organization Limit Scope – click the drop-down arrow to access a list from the list select the organization scope of the report, the following three options are available:
      • For Account Only
      • Organization and Children
      • Selected Organization Only
    • Category – to generate the report for a specific category, click the drop-down arrow to access a list. From the list, select the category name.
    • Mission Funded* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select one of the following chooses:
    • Yes – includes only the mission funded accounts within the report.
    • No – excludes mission funded accounts from the report.
    • Both – includes both mission funded and non-mission funded account numbers.
    • Portal Generation Option – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select one of the following options:
    • Do Not Generate – selecting this option does not allow to generate your report to Subscriber Portal
    • XLS – select this to generate an XLS version of your report to Subscriber Portal
    • PDF – select this to generate an PDF version of your report to Subscriber Portal
    • Both XLS and PDF – select this to generate both an XLS and PDF version of your report to Subscriber Portal

If this field is left blank, does not send any information to Subscriber Portal.

  1. Within the Report Setup toolbar, click the Generate Report The report displays in the lower pane.

Creating a Report Template

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Billing Reports.
  3. Within the right hand pane, the screen changes displaying two panes. Within the top pane, create the search parameters for your report.
  4. Within the Report Setup toolbar, click the Save
  5. The report name now displays in the drop-down field within the Report Setup toolbar.

Generate a report from a saved template

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Accounts > Billing Reports.
  3. Within the Report Setup toolbar, click the arrow next to (New Report) to access a drop-down list. From the list, select the name of the report to generate.
  4. Click the Generate Report
  5. The report displays within the bottom pane.

Deleting a saved template

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Accounts > Billing Reports.
  3. Within the Report Setup toolbar, click the arrow next to (New Report) to access a drop-down list. From the list, select the name of the report to delete.
  4. Click the Delete

Copy to New

This selection allows you to use an existing report template and add further search parameters onto it.

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Billing Reports.
  3. Within the Report Setup toolbar, click the arrow next to (New Report) access a drop-down list. From the list, select the name of the report to copy.
  4. The report parameters displays within the upper pane, make any necessary modifications.
  5. At this point, you can either save the template or generate the report by clicking on the appropriate button with the Report Setup

Exporting your report

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Billing Reports.
  3. Within the Report Setup toolbar, click the arrow next to (New Report) access a drop-down list. From the list, select the name of the report to generate

Once your report displays within the bottom pane you can export the report.

  1. On the toolbar at the top of the screen, click the drop-down arrow next to Export. There are eight options to choose from:
    • Excel (All Levels) – exports the report to an Excel spreadsheet.
    • Excel (Top Level Only) – exports only the top level of information.
    • Excel (Expanded Levels Only) – exports the full detail for the expanded records to an Excel spreadsheet. The un-expanded records are in the file as a top level and you only see the summary line.
    • Excel (Multiple Files) – exports each account number into a separate file. When you select this option, the Browse For Folder pop-up opens allowing you select where to save the files. Within the pop-up select the folder, and click the OK button, the files display within Windows Explorer in the designated location.
    • PDF (All Levels) – exports the report to a PDF file.
    • PDF (Top Level Only) – exports only the top level of information.
    • PDF (Expanded Levels Only) – exports the expanded records full detail to a PDF file. The un-expanded records are in the file as a top level, and you only see the summary line.
    • Tab Delimited Text (Top Level Only) – exports the top level information into a tab delimited text file.
  1. The file opens allowing you to save or modify the file in the appropriate program.

Unofficial Bill Summary by Number or Subscriber

These two reports allow you to view accounts associated to either a telephone number, including cell phone numbers, or accounts associated to a subscriber.

Viewing the Bill Summary by Number

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Unofficial Bill Summary by Number
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the account number, telephone number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. With either option the report generates to the window and is sorted by telephone number from least to greatest
  2. There are six viewing options within the Views pane, each option groups or sorts the report based on a common characteristic. The following views are available:
    • Simple – this is the default view, the list is sorted by telephone number
    • Billing Period – sorts the list based on billing period, specifically the billing cycle state month
    • Fiscal Year – sorts the list based on fiscal year
    • Account Number – sorts the list based on account numbers associated to telephone numbers
    • Category – sorts the list based on the category associated to each account, if applicable
    • Custom Summary – this selection allows you to create a custom view by dragging and dropping column headers to create a line display.
  1. To select a different view, click the option button next to the selection. If available, click the plus sign (+) next to the group to view the individual records.

Viewing the Bill Summary by Subscriber

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Unofficial Bill Summary by Subscriber
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the subscriber name, account number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. With either option the report generates to the window and is sorted by fiscal year
  2. There are six viewing options within the Views pane, each option groups or sorts the report based on a common characteristic. The following views are available:
    • Simple – this is the default view, the list is sorted by telephone number
    • Billing Period – sorts the list based on billing period, specifically the billing cycle state month
    • Fiscal Year – sorts the list based on fiscal year
    • Account Number – sorts the list based on account numbers associated to a subscriber
    • Category – sorts the list based on the category associated to each account, if applicable
    • Custom Summary – this selection allows you to create a custom view by dragging and dropping column headers to create a line display.
  1. To select a different view, click the option button next to the selection. If available, click the plus sign (+) next to the group to view the individual records.

Financial Summary

The Financial Summary allows you to create a report based on Site that can be exported into an XML file. Generally, the file is then sent to STARS. The two-step process allows you to create a project that you can use monthly and then run the project to create the file.

Creating a UF Summary Project

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Financial Summary
  3. There are two ways to add a new financial summary:
    • Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the drop-down arrow next to New. From the list, select Financial Summary.
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Add New UF Financial Summary
  1. With either option the General – UF Summary Project. There are two panes of information. The top pane provides the project details. The lower pane displays the complete information once you run the project.
  2. Within the top pane, complete the following information for the project (required fields are marked within an asterisk (*)):
    • Project Name * – type the name of the project.
    • Total Record * – this field populates with the total number of records contained within the report after you run the project.
    • Total Cost * – this field populates with the total cost of the report after you run the project.
    • Bill To Date Range From * – click the field to access a drop-down arrow, click the arrow to access a calendar, from the calendar select the date to start the report from, for example if your report is for the month on December, the date in this field would be 12/01/2011.
    • Bill To Date Range To * – click the field to access a drop-down arrow, click the arrow to access a calendar, from the calendar select the date to start the report to, for example if your report is for the month on December, the date in this field would be 12/31/2011.
  1. Within the Actions, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with the project, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Financial Summary list.

Adding Sites

  1. Within the Show ribbon group, click the Sites button to associate one or more sites with the project. The window displays two panes of information; the top pane displays the sites associated to the project. The lower pane displays a list of all the sites within your database, the following read-only information is available for each site:
    • Site Name – displays the full name of the site.
    • Site Path – displays the complete path of the site, this includes the parent and child sites. Each level is separated by a >.
    • Site Level – displays the site level name or number
    • Site Code – displays the three-digit alphanumeric site code.
  1. To add a site to the project, find the site within the list, and double click the record, the site name now displays within the upper pane.

! Alternatively, you can click the lower portion of the sites button to access a drop-down list, from the list you can select either Select All or Unselect All. The Select All option allows you to associate all sites to the project. Whereas, the Unselect All options removes all site associations from the project.

  1. Within the Actions, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with the project, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Financial Summary list.

Deleting a UF Summary Project

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Financial Summary
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the account number, telephone number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, there are two ways to delete a project:
    • Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the red X.
    • Click the Delete UF Summary Project link within the Actions
  1. Once you click Delete, a message box displays verifying that you really want to delete the account. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation.

Run Project

Once you create your project, you can run the project each month to produce your summary.

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Financial Summary.
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the account number, telephone number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double click the project. The General – UF Summary Project window opens.
  2. Within the Tools ribbon group, click the Run Project button.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the process may take a few minutes.
  4. Once the project is complete, the summary displays within the Financial Summary pane.
  5. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with billing reports, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Financial Summary list.

Export to XML

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports then Financial Summary.
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the account number, telephone number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double click the project. The General – UF Summary Project window opens.
  2. Within the Tools ribbon group, click the Export XML button.
  3. With an XML file, there are field size limitations. Within the text box that displays, click Yes to enforce the restricted field size limits or No to retain the original field length. If you answer yes, an error may occur because some of your fields are too long. If this occurs, click OK in the error and try to rerun the report, answering no to the field size limitation.
  4. To select the location to save the XML File, browse to location of where to save the file. Once at the location, type the name of the file in the File Name field.
  5. Click the Save The file is saved.
  6. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with the project, or Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Financial Summary list.

Rejected Authorization Codes

This option allows you to view the authorization codes that exist within your call records but do not have a matching code within your database.

Viewing Rejected Authorization Codes

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Rejected Authorization Codes.
  3. The list populates to the right with the following columns of information:
    • Authorization Code – displays the code that exists within the call records (not within the database).
    • Site – displays the site name.
    • Total Count – displays the total number of calls made using the code.
  1. As you create records for these within your database, you can refresh the status of the list by clicking on the Refresh Status link within the Actions

Payment History

Within Payment History, you can view a list of the payments made to accounts as well as some additional information.

Viewing the Payment Information

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Payment History.
  3. Depending on the amount of payments entered into the system, the list may or may not immediately populate. There are two ways to populate the list:
    • Within the search box, type any part of the payment history and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. The list displays either the search results or the entire list. The information displayed the complete payments details.
  2. Within the Views pane, are several alternate view selections, each selection organizes or groups the payments differently, based on a common character tic. The following options are available:
    • Simple View – this is the default view and displays the payments made in order of received date
    • Net Payment – sorts the list based on the net payment amount
    • User Name – sorts the list based on the user that entered the payment into the system
    • Amount Submitted – sorts the list based on the total amount submitted before change is given
    • Payment Location, Method, or Type – sorts the list based on either the location, method or type of payment
    • Received Date – sorts the list based on the date the payment is received
    • Subscriber – sorts the list based on the subscriber associated to the account
    • Fiscal Year – sorts the list based on fiscal year
  1. To change the view, click the option button next to the selection. If available, click the plus sign (+) next to the group to view the individual records.

Exporting Payment History

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Payment History.
  3. Depending on the amount of payments entered into the system, the list may or may not immediately populate. if There are two ways to populate the list:
    • Within the search box, type the any part of the payment history and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All

The list displays either the search results or the entire list.

  1. On the toolbar at the top of the screen, click the drop-down arrow next to Export. There are eight options to choose from:
    • Excel (All Levels) – exports all records to an Excel spreadsheet. If you have several account numbers in your database, this procedure can take some time.
    • Excel (Top Level Only) – exports only the top level of information.
    • Excel (Expanded Levels Only) – exports the full detail for the expanded records to an Excel spreadsheet. The un-expanded records are in the file as a top level and you only see the summary line.
    • Excel (Multiple Files) – exports each bill into a separate file.
    • PDF (All Levels) – exports all records to a PDF file. If you have several account numbers in your database, this procedure can take some time.
    • PDF (Top Level Only) – exports only the top level of information.
    • PDF (Expanded Levels Only) – exports the expanded records full detail to a PDF file. The un-expanded records are in the file as a top level, and you only see the summary line.
    • Tab Delimited Text (Top Level Only) – exports the top level information into a tab delimited text file.

The file opens allowing you to save or modify the file in the appropriate program.

Billed Equipment and Services Summary

Within this report, you can view the equipment items associated to a billing period, their cost and total quantity used during that period.

Viewing the Summary

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Billed Equipment and Service Summary.
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the account number, telephone number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. The list displays either the search results or the entire list. The information displayed allows you to view the following information:
    • Total Bills
    • Fiscal Year and Month
    • Billing Period Start and End Date
    • Equipment or Service Name
    • Organization Path
    • Total One-Time and Recurring Charges
    • Total Quantity
  1. There are two additional view choices within the Views pane, you can select to sort the listed based on Fiscal Year and Month or you can create a custom view.
  2. The Custom View allows you to select which column headers to include in your sort order, once a header displays in the upper pane, the list sorts automatically.

Exporting the Summary

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Billed Equipment and Service Summary.
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the account number, telephone number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All

The list displays either the search results or the entire list.

  1. On the toolbar at the top of the screen, click the drop-down arrow next to Export. There are eight options to choose from:
    • Excel (All Levels) – exports all records to an Excel spreadsheet. If you have several account numbers in your database, this procedure can take some time.
    • Excel (Top Level Only) – exports only the top level of information.
    • Excel (Expanded Levels Only) – exports the full detail for the expanded records to an Excel spreadsheet. The un-expanded records are in the file as a top level and you only see the summary line.
    • Excel (Multiple Files) – exports each bill into a separate file.
    • PDF (All Levels) – exports all records to a PDF file. If you have several account numbers in your database, this procedure can take some time.
    • PDF (Top Level Only) – exports only the top level of information.
    • PDF (Expanded Levels Only) – exports the expanded records full detail to a PDF file. The un-expanded records are in the file as a top level, and you only see the summary line.
    • Tab Delimited Text (Top Level Only) – exports the top level information into a tab delimited text file.
  1. The file opens allowing you to save or modify the file in the appropriate program.

Billed Inventory

Within this report, you can view the billed equipment and service items that are associated to an account.  This list provides a wide range of information from account number to charges to site name to order number.

Viewing the Summary

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Billed Inventory.
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the account number, telephone number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. The list displays either the search results or the entire list. The list displays severel fields of information including, but not limited to:
    • Account Number
    • Fiscal Year and Month
    • Total One-Time and Recurring Charges
    • Billing Period Start and End Date
    • Equipment or Service Name
    • Organization Path
    • Quantity
  1. There are two additional view choices within the Views pane, you can select to sort the listed based on Fiscal Year and Month or you can create a custom view.
  2. The Custom View allows you to select which column headers to include in your sort order, once a header displays in the upper pane, the list sorts automatically.

Exporting the Summary

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Billed Inventory.
  3. Depending on the amount of records within your database, the list may not readily populate, to populate the list perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record, this could be the account number, telephone number, etc. and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All

The list displays either the search results or the entire list.

  1. On the toolbar at the top of the screen, click the drop-down arrow next to Export. There are eight options to choose from:
    • Excel (All Levels) – exports all records to an Excel spreadsheet. If you have several account numbers in your database, this procedure can take some time.
    • Excel (Top Level Only) – exports only the top level of information.
    • Excel (Expanded Levels Only) – exports the full detail for the expanded records to an Excel spreadsheet. The un-expanded records are in the file as a top level and you only see the summary line.
    • Excel (Multiple Files) – exports each bill into a separate file.
    • PDF (All Levels) – exports all records to a PDF file. If you have several account numbers in your database, this procedure can take some time.
    • PDF (Top Level Only) – exports only the top level of information.
    • PDF (Expanded Levels Only) – exports the expanded records full detail to a PDF file. The un-expanded records are in the file as a top level, and you only see the summary line.
    • Tab Delimited Text (Top Level Only) – exports the top level information into a tab delimited text file.
  1. The file opens allowing you to save or modify the file in the appropriate program.

Bill Certification

Within this report you can view the bills that are certified or uncertified.  There are few different report options.  First you can view basic statistics of how many bills are certified and uncertified for a certain billing period.  If you double click on any record within this list, the Bill Certification Details window opens with the complete details for the billing cycle.

Alternately, you can view a list of the bills that are certified and those that are not.

Viewing Billing Cycle Details

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Bill Certification
  3. Depending on the amount of entries the system, the list may or may not immediately populate. There are two ways to populate the list:
    • Within the search box, type any part of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list displays, double click the billing cycle to view. The Bill Certification Details window opens.  There are three panes of information:  Billing Period Information, Certified Bills and Uncertified Bills
  2. The Billing Period Information pane displays the following information:
    • Fiscal Year – displays the fiscal year of when the bill generated
    • From Month – this is number represents the month in which the billing period started.
    • From Day – this is the first day of the billing period
    • To Month – this number represent the month in which the billing period ends
    • To Day – this is the last day in the billing period
    • Total Certified Bills – displays the total number of bills certified for the period
    • Total Uncertified Bills – displays the total number of bills uncertified for the period
  1. The Certified Bills pane lists the account number and subscriber information for the bills that have been certified. This pane also displays the certified date and any notes entered by the person who certified the bill.
  2. The Uncertified Bills pane lists the account numbers that have not been certified for the billing period. This is read only information.
  3. You can refresh the information displayed in any pane by clicking the Refresh button within the Action ribbon group.

Viewing Certified Bills Flat List

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Bill Certification
  3. Click the plus sign next (+) next to Bill Certification to access the sub-menu items.
  4. Click Certified Bills Flat List, depending on the amount of entries the system, the list may or may not immediately populate. There are two ways to populate the list:
    • Within the search box, type any part of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list displays you can view or export all certified bills.

Viewing Uncertified Bills Flat List

  1. Click the Accounting
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Reports > Bill Certification
  3. Click the plus sign next (+) next to Bill Certification to access the sub-menu items.
  4. Click Uncertified Bills Flat List, depending on the amount of entries the system, the list may or may not immediately populate. There are two ways to populate the list:
    • Within the search box, type any part of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list displays you can view or export all uncertified bills.