Security – Activity Log

Security – Activity Log

The Activity Log displays detailed information of all database additions, updates, and deletions. The Activity Log displays the following columns of information:

  • Action Name* – displays the action completed.
  • Activity Date* – displays the action date and time.
  • User Name – displays the username.
  • First Name – displays the user’s first name.
  • Last Name – displays the user’s last name.
  • Name or Number – displays the number or name of the information that the action influenced, for example, the primary telephone number, circuit name, subscriber name, etc. appears in the field.
  • Source* – displays the computer’s IP address.
  • Work Order Number – displays the work order number.
  • Security Check Successful – a checkmark in the field indicates that the completed action was within the scope of the user’s profile.

Each of these columns can sort the list information alphabetically or numerically. For example, click the Last Name column to sort the list alphabetically based on the user’s last name. Once clicked, a triangle appears in the column header. An upward pointing triangle indicates the list is in alphabetical order, while a downward pointing triangle indicates the list is in reverse-alphabetical order.

Refresh Status

Within the Actions pane, click on the Refresh Status link to refresh the Activity Log, this updates the list to the most current activities completed in CAIRS.

Viewing the Activity Log

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next to Security to access the sub-menus.
  3. Click Activity Log. The Activity Log list opens to the right displaying the following six columns:
    • Action Name* – displays the completed action name. Some action examples are Delete Profile, Add New Terminal, etc.
    • Activity Date* – displays the action date and time.
    • User Name* – displays the username.
    • Last Name – displays the user’s last name.
    • First Name – displays the user’s first name.
    • Name or Number – displays the number or name of the information that the action influenced, for example, the primary telephone number, circuit name, subscriber name, etc appears in the field.
    • Source* – displays the IP address.
    • Work Order Number – displays the work order number, if any.
    • Security Check Successful – a checkmark in the field indicates that the completed action was within the scope of the user’s profile.
  1. Each of these six columns can sort the list information alphabetically or numerically. For example, click the Last Name column to sort the list alphabetically based on the user’s last name. Once clicked, a triangle appears in the column header. An upward pointing triangle indicates the list is in alphabetical order, while a downward pointing triangle indicates the list is in reverse-alphabetical order. To view a detailed description of the activity, double click the individual record. The Activity Log window opens displaying more details.

Exporting the User Activity Log as XML

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next to Security to access the sub-menus.
  3. Click Activity Log.
  4. Within the Actions pane, click the Export to XML
  5. Within the Save As window, select the location. CAIRS auto-populates the Save as type: field with the XML file type.
  6. Type the file name into the text box and click the Save
  7. To stop the save process, click the Cancel
  8. To view the file that you just saved, go to the saved file location and double click the file name. The file opens as a window within Internet Explorer.