Adding/Deleting a Call Pricing Group

Adding a Call Pricing Group

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next Call Record Settings.
  3. Click Call Pricing Group.
  4. There are three ways to add a group:
    • Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the dropdown arrow next to New. From the list, select Call Pricing Group.
    • Within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the Add Call Pricing Group
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Add Call Pricing Group
  1. With either option the General – Call Pricing Group window opens. There are two panes of information, the top pane allows you to name the group whereas the bottom pane allows you to assign an exchange rate.
  2. Within the top pane, click the field next to Call Pricing Group and type-in the name of the group. This is a required field.
  3. Within the lower pane, click the row marked with an asterisk (*) to add a new record, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Conversion Rate – click the field to access a dropdown arrow, then click on the dropdown arrow to access a calendar, from the calendar select the effective date of the exchange rate. The calendar defaults to today’s date to change the date, to change the month and year click the right or left arrow, and once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
    • Conversion Rate* – type-in the multiplier of the conversion rate. The exchange rate is a multiplier to the dollar, for example, if the yen is worth twice the dollar, you would enter a 2 in the field.
  1. Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save (to save and stay) button, click the Save & Close (to save and exit) button, or click on the Save & New (to save and refresh the screen) button to continue adding in call pricing groups.

Adding Dial Codes to a Group

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click on the plus sign (+) next Call Record Settings.
  3. Click Call Pricing Group. The list of existing call pricing group populates to the right. Double click the record to open the General – Call Pricing Group window.
  4. Within the Show ribbon group, click on the Dial Codes Group The screen changes to display the Rate and Zone Associations. Next to each Dial Code Group Name click the plus sign (+) to access the codes. For each code complete the following information:
    • Rate Group – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and from the list, select the rate group. Remember that a rate group defines how much is charges for each period of a call, for example the first 60 seconds vs. the remaining increments.
    • Zone Group – click the dropdown arrow to access a list and from the list, select the zone group. Remember the zone group, determines the time the rates are available, they could be the daytime, evening or night hours.
  1. Within the Actions ribbon group, click on the Save (to save and stay) button, click on the Save & Close (to save and exit) button, or click on the Save & New (to save and refresh the screen) button to continue adding in call pricing groups information.

Deleting a Call Pricing Group

  1. Click the System Admin
  2. In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next Call Record Settings.
  3. Click Call Pricing Group. The list of existing call pricing group populates to the right. Click the group that you want to delete. There are three ways to delete a type:
    • Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the red ‘X’.
    • Within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click on the Delete Call Types
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Delete Call Types
  1. With either option, a warning message appears verifying that you really want to delete the type, within the box click Yes to continue or No to cancel the operation.