
There are a few system settings that deal with connectivity.  If you site has chosen to ignore connectivity all together, the connectivity pane will no longer be visible.  If you have chosen to associate connectivity to set, the minimum requirement is a Building.  You can however assign the set from the switch all the way to the jack in the assigned building.

  1. There are two sections within the Facilities pane. The top portion allows you to assign a few basic items within Facilities, and the lower half allows you to assign the complete facilities package.
  2. Within the top section, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Assigned Site – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, from the list select the assigned site.
    • Assigned Building * – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, and then select the building name.
    • Network Device Identifier – click the dropdown arrow to access a list, from the list select the network device to associate to the set, if applicable. If a network device and port are selected, the Network tab will show a diagram of how this set device is connected to the data network.
    • Device Port Number – click the dropdown arrow to access a list, from the list select the port number the set is assigned to on the network device, if applicable.
    • Alternate Location – type in any alternate location information relating to the set. This field can appear in the 911 interface
    • Directory Building Name – this field auto-populates with the Directory Building Name that appears on the Building Record. The Directory Building name is defined as the common name for the building, for example, the assigned building name is 100 and the directory building name is Post Office. This field is read only.
    • Floor – type the floor number, if applicable.
    • Room – type the room number, if applicable.
    • Jack – type the jack number, if applicable.
    • Connectivity Misc 1-3 – use these fields for typing in any miscellaneous connection information
    • Dedicated Plant – click the arrow to access a drop-down list, from the list select the type of dedication, it automatically defaults to Not Dedicated. You can change the selection to Dedicated with Port or Dedicated without Port. When you choose to dedicate, anytime you move or delete the device, the facilities remain in place and are unavailable to use in other situations.
    • Latitude/Longitude/Elevation – If you happen to know your GPS coordinates you can type them into the appropriate fields. However, a simply way to enter in the coordinates is to click on the ‘Add GPS Location’ button in the Location ribbon group.  This will populate the fields with the appropriate information.  If used this information, will transfer in the 911 interface and display the terminal that is nearest the location of the phone.

These coordinates work in connection with the Nearest Building tab (if you do not see the tab, you will need to change the system setting ‘Show Nearest Building Button in Facilities’ to True).  The buildings with the nearest coordinates will appear in the tab.

    • Connection Sequence – if you are using the 911 interface you can determine the sort order or sequence of which building information will be sent to your 911 system. This defaults to 0, if you have more than one location enter in the sequence number.
    • Include in 911 – click on the dropdown arrow access a menu from the menu select one of the following:
      • Default
      • Always
      • Never
  1. Within the lower section, when you click the first line (marked with an asterisk) the site and building name populate with the information you entered in the upper section. If the building only has 1 terminal the name of the terminal will also auto-populate.
  2. If there is more than one terminal, click the drop-down arrow to access a list, and then select the terminal name associated with the building.
  3. If you do not see, the Connection Name line, click the plus sign (+) next to the site name. The following fields open to allow you to complete adding the facilities, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Connection Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, and then select the set’s connection.
    • Path Number – this field auto-populates with the next available path in the terminal. To change this selection, click the drop-down arrow to access a list and then select the set’s path number.
    • Path Usage – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, then, select the path usage type. This is a list that is pre-defined within Facilities and indicates how the path is being used, for example, data, voice, transmit, etc.
    • Out Binding Post or Out Frame Location – these fields auto-populate with number(s) corresponding to the path number. This information is defined within Facilities; each terminal is designed with either a Binding Post or Frame Location. This field is a Read Only field.
    • In Row, Block, Pin – these fields auto-populate within number(s) corresponding to the path number. This information is defined within Facilities; each terminal is designed with either a Binding Post or Frame Location. This is a Read Only field.
  1. Within the Actions ribbon group, click on the Save button within the Actions ribbon group. This will save your changes and allow you to continue working with the set.

A few notes about connectivity…

When viewing a set, the connectivity pane will default to the View tab.  To make edits to the connectivity, click on the Edit tab.  Complete any modifications, be sure to click the Save button when complete.

The Network tab displays a visual representation of the connectivity from the set back to the MDF.  The red lines in-between each box show where exactly the cable is connected too in the next terminal.

If you are using Dedicated Plant, instead on going through the process of creating the connectivity from scratch, you can use this tab to assign connectivity.  Simply find the correct building, room, jack combo and double click on the row.  If connectivity is already in place you will be asked if you want to remove the existing and replace with the dedicated plant.  Click Yes to continue or Cancel.

The Imported Data By Path provides information on how the connectivity was imported when a Unique Communication Representative created your initial database.