Call Record General Settings
Use these settings to configure how CAIRS deals with your call records. When you install CAIRS, a Unique Communication Representative and your CAIRS administrators determine these settings. There are four columns of information for each setting:
- Setting Name* – the setting name.
- Category* – the category for these settings is Call Records
- Setting Value* – displays the actual setting, for example, true, false, etc.
- Description* – displays a brief setting description.
The following settings are available:
- Archive Bulk Size – allows you to determine the number of call records that you want to copy when archiving or restoring. The default is set to 10,000 calls in each file. You can increase or decrease the value by entering a different number.
- Billing Interval – indicates your billing interval; every second, every 6 seconds or every minute. This defaults to 0 meaning that every second is billed.
- Current Currency Symbol – displays the currency symbol you are using for all billing, for example the $ sign.
- Days Till Expiration Warning – this setting determines the number of days before you receive an expiration warning for foreign currency. The default is 355 days, meaning that you must update the exchange rate every 355 days.
- Do Not Round to Two Decimals – if you are using the re-pricing option, CAIRS automatically rounds the call price to two decimal points. This defaults to false which rounds the call pricing to 2 decimals ($10.55). Set this to True to round to 4 decimals places ($10.3405).
- Foreign Currency Expiration Warning – this setting works in conjunction with the ‘Days Till Expiration Warning’, if set to true than the administrator receives the warning, if set to false no warning is given.
- Foreign Currency Symbol – displays the foreign currency symbol if you are billing in a foreign currency
- Round First Minute – determines whether to round the first minute of billing up, if set to true, if the call is 30 seconds long the customer is charged for the full minute. If set to false, the customer is charged for 30 seconds. This defaults to false.
- Round to Next Period – determines whether to round up to the next whole number, if set to false, if a call was 3 min 15 sec long, the customer would be billed for 4 min. If set to false, the customer is charged for exactly 3 min 15 sec.
- Unit Value – displays the number of units for each value. For example, 100 units (cents) in $1 or 100 pence in 1 pound.
- Update Auth Code Calls by Extension if Missing – in the event that an authorization code does not exist within your database, you can use this setting to have the calling extension billed for the call. This defaults to False meaning that the call record will not be billed to any number until you create the authorization code and run the CES process to Change Call Ownership. However, if you set this to True, CAIRS will automatically bills the calling extension for the call record.
- Update Missing Billing Subscriber From Directory Line – ideally call records are updated with the subscriber information associated to authorization codes, if you do not use authorization codes the update comes from the billing account number. If there is no subscriber information on either one of those, CAIRS uses the subscriber information related to the directory line (aka configured set). If this is set to true, CAIRS tries the authorization code then the billing account then the configured set for the subscriber information. If set to false, CAIRS tries, only the authorization code and billing account for subscriber information, if there is no subscriber within either of those then the field is left blank for the call record.
- Use Primary Billing Site in Number Plan for Call Record Update – allows you to bill two matching numbers in different number plans to different accounts. When your calls are brought into your active calls, they go through a matching process that associates important information such as site, account number, organization, etc. If this setting is set to True, the matching process looks first at the site associated to the call record and matches that up with the Primary Billing Site within the Number Plan, thus determining the proper extension to associate with the call record.
- Use Site Specific Unit Interval Settings – determines whether you use site-specific call pricing, databases that have multiple sites associated use this setting. If set to true, each site contains a Call Pricing Group, Unit Value, Billing Interval, Round to First Period and Round to Next Period fields that will now be used for call pricing. If there is no Call Pricing Group associated with the site, CAIRS will use the default Call Pricing Group. If this setting is set to false all calls are priced based on the default call pricing groups.
- Use Foreign Currency – when set to True, all billing is in the foreign currency determined within your rate tables.