Switch Records
To keep track of switches at your site(s), add switch records within the Switches menu. As you add a switch record into CAIRS, provide switch type, manufacturer, software load, trunk routes, and install information. Once the basic switch record is added, add: connection records and create SMA, import port numbers (EQN) into CAIRS, indicate the site(s) using the switch, class of service (DSN Access for EWSD), class of restriction (PSTN Access for EWSD), line class codes, and create speed dial groups within the switch record.
You can also modify and delete existing switch records, view script history, data files, and feature key maps.
Before adding a switch into your database, Unique Communication needs to import the software load information for each switch type. You will provide a company representative a file containing the information. Once the information is successfully imported, you can start adding your switches into the database. If the software load information changes in the future, a Unique Communications representative can talk you through the process of updating the imported information.