
Port Groups and Port Numbers

Port numbers in CAIRS are the equivalent to EQNs for the EWSD switch, and LENs for the Nortel switch/PBX platform. Note that your switch port numbers can only be imported into CAIRS through the Switch Sync function. When the port numbers are initially imported, CAIRS creates a default port group called “Import” and puts all numbers into that group within the Switches menu. You can create your own port groups and then move port numbers from the “Import” group into your groups.

You can view port numbers status (ex. Bad, Active, Spare) and mark bad port numbers here in the Switches menu.

Port Groups

Adding a Port Group

Adding a port group is creating a group name. Once the group name is created, you can move individual port numbers into that group from an existing group. (As mentioned before, port number from your switch can only be imported into the CAIRS system through the Switch Sync. When the port numbers are initially imported, CAIRS creates a default port group called “Import” and puts all port numbers into that group. You can then create a port group and move port numbers from the “Import” group into your group.)

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the upper portion of the button (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.)
  3. Click the top row, marked with an asterisk (*), to add a new record. Type the following Port Group information (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Port Group Name * – type in the port group name.
    • Description – type in a brief group description.
    • Site – click the field to access a drop-down list and from the list select the site associated with the group.
    • Port Group Mask – type the mask for the port numbers, for example, 10 n nn nn, this required every port number to begin with the number 10, space a single number, space and so on.
  1. To continue adding multiple items, click the row marked with an asterisk (*).
  2. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (save and stay) to continue working with the switch or Save & Close (save and exit) to return to the switches list.

Deleting a Port Group

Before deleting a port group, all port numbers within that group must be assigned to a different port group. Please refer to “Assigning Port Numbers to a Port Group.”

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the upper portion of the button (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. Right click the group to delete and from the pop-up menu select Delete.
  4. Once you click Delete, a message box appears verifying that you really want to delete the record. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation.

Once selected, CAIRS draws a line through the item allowing you to delete multiple records at one time.

  1. If you do not want to delete the record, right-click the record to access a pop-up message. Click Undelete.
  2. Once you select Undelete, a message box appears verifying that you really want to undelete the record. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation
  3. To complete either process, click the Save (save and stay) button or Save & Close, within the Actions ribbon group, to return to the Switches list.

Port Number

Assigning Imported Port Numbers to a Port Group

When the initial data sync is performed and the port numbers from the switch imported into CAIRS, CAIRS creates a default port group (called ‘Import’) and assigns all port numbers into that default group. If you wish to create different groups, add a new port group first. See “Adding a Port Group” section. Once a new port group has been added, port numbers can be moved from one group into another.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the upper portion of the button (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. Within the list, click the plus sign (+) next to the group name to display a list of ports. Find the port number within the list and click the record selector box next to the number. To select multiple rows, click the first number, press and hold the Shift button on your keyboard, and then click each additional number.
  4. Once you have the proper numbers highlighted, click the group, and drag and drop it into the different group.
  5. Click the plus sign (+) next to the group name to view the number, you moved into the group.
  6. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (save and stay) to continue working with the switch or Save & Close (save and exit) to return to the switches list.

Adding a New Port Numbers to a Port Group

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the upper portion of the button (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups. Within the list of port groups, click on the port group that you want add a range to, this highlights the group.
  3. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select Add a range to a group
  4. The Add Port Range window opens, there are three panes of information:
    • Configure Port Range – within this pane you will define the characteristics of the range
    • Preview – Once you have completed the top pane, you can preview your range before assigning it to the group
    • Controls and Help – this pane defines the wildcards available for the mask
  1. Within the Configure Port Range pane, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Card Type* – click on the field to access a drop-down list, from the list select one of the following card types:
      • Analog
      • Digital
      • ISDN
      • IP
      • Unknown
      • Multi Mode Analog Digital
    • Card Name* – type the card name
    • Start Option*–click on the field to access a drop-down list, from the list select one of the following options:
      • Ground
      • Loop
      • Unknown
    • Bad* – this field remains blank to indicate that the range is usable. Click on the field to insert a checkmark to indicate that the range you are adding is un-usable.
    • Multi Mode Service Type *– click the field to access a drop-down list, from the list select one of the following options:
      • Both
      • Analog Only
      • Digital Only
    • Reusable * – this field defaults to contain a checkmark to indicate that once the port is free of an assignment it can be reused. Click the field to remove the checkmark to indicate that the port cannot be reused.
    • Beginning Port Name* – type the name of the first port
    • Ending Port Name* – type the name of the last port
    • Port Mask* – this field populates with the mask that is associated with the port group, click on the field and type the correct information. Within the bottom pane of the window, is the help section for creating a mask, you can use the following rules to create the correct mask for your port range:
      • For alphabetical characters use the letter ‘A’
      • For a space or special character use the exact character, for example if you use a slash, in the mask you would type ‘\’
      • For a numerical character use the letter ‘N’
      • For a hexadecimal character use the letter ‘H’
  1. Once you have completed the top pane of information, click the Generate Preview button. The middle pane displays a list of the ports that match the characteristics you defined.
  2. If the list is correct, click the Add Range button. This adds the range into the group, once the process is successful a message box appears, within the box, click Yes to add or modify another range or click No to view your port group and range.
  3. To view the added range, click on the plus sign (+) next to the port group name, a list of ports appears below the port group name.

Deleting a Range from a Port Group

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the upper portion of the button (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups. Within the list of port groups, click on the port group that you want delete a range from, this highlights the group.
  3. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select Delete a Range from group.
  4. The Delete Port Range window opens, there are three panes of information:
    • Configure Port Range – within this pane, you will define the characteristics of the range.
    • Preview – once you have completed the top pane, you can preview your range before deleting it from the group.
    • Controls and Help – this pane defines the wildcards available for the mask.
  1. Within the Configure Port Range pane, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Card Type* – click the field to access a drop-down list and from the list select the matching card type of the range that you want to delete.
    • Card Name* – type the card name.
    • Start Option* – click the field to access a drop-down list and from the list select the matching option.
    • Bad* – this field can remain blank.
    • Multi Mode Service Type *– click the field to access a drop-down list, from the list select one of the following options:
      • Both
      • Analog Only
      • Digital Only
    • Reusable * – this field defaults to contain a checkmark to indicate that once the port is free of an assignment it can be reused. Click the field to remove the checkmark to indicate that the port cannot be reused.
    • Beginning Port Name* – type the name of the first port that you want to delete.
    • Ending Port Name* – type the name of the last port that you want to delete.
    • Port Mask* – this field populates with the mask that is associated with the port group, DO NOT make any changes to this field. This field must match the appearance of the port range in order for you to delete them.
  1. Once you have completed the top pane of information, click on the Generate Preview button. The middle pane displays a list of the ports that will be deleted.
  2. If the list is correct, click the Delete Range button. Once the ports are deleted, a pop-up opens verifying the number of ports deleted, click Ok to continue.
  3. Another message box opens verifying the operation was successful, within the box click Yes to modify another range or click No to return to the port group list.
  4. To view the range, click the plus sign (+) next to the port group name. A list of ports appears below the port group name.

Viewing All Port Numbers

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select All Ports (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. Within the list, click the plus sign (+) next to the port group name to view the associated port numbers.

Port Usage and Status

Viewing the Port Usage Summary

Within the Switches Menu, you can view a switches port numbers usage summary. You can see the total number of port numbers for each port type. You can also see the number of port numbers that are in use.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select Port Usage. (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.)
  3. The screen changes to display the port usage details. The top pane displays the ports number details, including port types, total ports, used, free, bad and percentages.
  4. The lower pane displays the same information in a bar graph.

Viewing Bad Ports

You can see which switch port numbers are bad within the Switches Menu.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select Bad Ports (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. Within the list, click the plus sign (+) next to the port group name to view the bad port numbers. (If the plus sign disappears when you click it, it means the port group does not have any bad port numbers).
  4. There is a checkmark in the Bad column for each bad port. To make the port good again, remove the checkmark.
  5. Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save button (save and stay).

Viewing Active Ports

The active ports are port numbers that have been assigned to sets. You can view active port numbers of a switch within the Switches Menu.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu, from the list select Active Ports (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. Within the list, click the plus sign (+) next to the port group name to view the associated active port numbers. (If the plus sign disappears when you click on it, it means the port group does not have any active port numbers).
  4. For each active port, the Bad column is blank, to make the port bad, checkmark the box in the bad column.
  5. Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save button (save and stay).

Viewing Spare Ports

Spare ports are unassigned port numbers. You can view the spare port numbers within the Switches menu.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select Spare Ports (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. Within the list, click the plus sign (+) next to the port group name to view the associated active port numbers. (If the plus sign disappears when you click it, it means the port group does not have any spare port numbers).

Changing the Port Status

When a port number is bad, you can mark that number as ‘Bad’ within the Switches Menu. You can also change the ‘bad’ status if the port number is no longer bad.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the upper portion of the button (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. Within the list, click the plus sign (+) next to the port group name to view the associated port numbers.
  4. Within the Bad column, remove the checkmark to activate the port or insert a checkmark to indicate the port as bad.
  5. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (save and stay) to continue working with the switch or Save & Close (save and exit) to return to the switches list.

Viewing Spare Port Combined Summary

Before you can run this report, you must complete the Port HASU Summary Prefix Length and the Port HASU Summary Detail Prefix Length fields within the general switch information pane (Show ribbon group àSwitch button). This report displays the groups (determined by the prefix lengths) and the total number of ports available within each group.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select Spare Ports Combined Summary (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. There are two parts to this report, the general information displays the Card Name, Port Prefix and the total available ports.
  4. When you click the plus sign (+) next to the Card Name, the report expands to display the Detailed Summary, this displays all the available port numbers.

Viewing Spare Port General Summary

Before you can run this report, you must complete the Port HASU Summary Prefix Length and the Port HASU Summary Detail Prefix Length fields within the general switch information pane (Show ribbon group àSwitch button). This report displays the groups (determined by the prefix lengths) and the total number of ports available within each group.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select Spare Port General Summary (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. This report displays the Card Name, Port Prefix and the total available ports.

Viewing Spare Port Detailed Summary

Before you can run this report, you must complete the Port HASU Summary Prefix Length and the Port HASU Summary Detail Prefix Length fields within the general switch information pane (Show ribbon group àSwitch button). This report displays the groups (determined by the prefix lengths) and the total number of ports available within each group.

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Ports ribbon group, click the lower portion of the button to access a drop-down menu and from the list select Spare Port Detailed Summary (Depending on your switch, the button name changes, for example, the button name may be EQN, TN, LEN, etc.) The screen changes to display the port groups.
  3. This report displays the Card Name, Port Prefix and each available reports for all groups.

Data Sync

The Data Sync button in the Reports ribbon group allows users to create, modify or view Data Sync projects for the switch. A data sync project allows the user to maintain a current CAIRS database by downloading data from the switch and verifying that that data is in CAIRS i.e. Ports, DN’s, Button Features, Groups, Set Types etc.

To access the Data Sync projects for a switch:

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Within the Reports ribbon group, click the Data Sync button.
  3. The Data Synchronization pane displays information about existing Data Sync projects. Double – clicking a Data Sync project opens a separate window containing project details.

Creating a New Data Sync Project

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
  2. Click the Data Sync drop down button and select add data sync. A new window opens labeled General – Import. Complete the following fields (required fields are marked with as asterisk (*)):
    • Project Name* – type the project name.
    • Switch Name* – click on the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list; select the switch with which you wish to sync.
    • Script Name* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the script needed to perform the sync.
    • Action* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select one of the sync types: Port, Number Plan, Number Plan Listing, Feature Key Maps, Configured Sets, Hunt Group Members, Switch Speed Dial, Switch Hunt Group Members.
    • Auto Update – click the field to insert a checkmark in the box allowing auto-update.
    • Description – type a project description.
    • Comparison Type – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select one of the following options:
    • Compare All – compares everything in/out of the database.
    • Ignore Not In Switch – ignores records in CAIRS that are not in the switch.
  1. At this point, you should save your progress, within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (save and stay) to continue working with the sync or Save & Close (save and exit) to return to the Switch

Data Sync Ribbon Groups

The following ribbon groups contain additional buttons that open properties which are required to complete a Switch Sync Project.

Show ribbon group

  • The Script Arguments button is reserved for future development.
  • The Association button allows you to import an association file (provided by Unique Communication Solutions). The associations built by this file are required for a sync project to function properly.
  • The Recurrence button allows the user to create a schedule for executing switch syncs.
  • The Switch Sync Log button contains a log about the status of current and previously executed syncs. This allows you to see when the switch sync has completed.

Synchronize ribbon group

  • The Sync Now button executes the current switch sync project.
  • If you have already received a report from the switch containing the information for the switch sync project you can sync from that text file by clicking the Sync From File button
  • It is possible to resync switch data that has already been saved in Cairs, this may be used if the associations have been changed, but there is no new data from the switch. To resync saved switch data click the Resync From Existing Report Button

Report ribbon group

  • The Sync Results button displays the data synced from the switch that is not in Cairs, the data in Cairs that is not in the switch, the data the is unable to sync and the reason for the failure and the data from the switch that is already in sync with Cairs. Once the data has been downloaded from the switch and appears here you can complete the project by clicking the Sync Out of Sync Records button
  • The Formatted Switch Report button displays the data from the switch organized into columns for easier viewing
  • Once all the properties of the Switch Sync Project have been entered, click the Save and Close button.

Feature Management

Feature Management allows the user to manage features that are available within your multiple switch types. When a switch supports a feature, each switch requires a different code; within feature management, you can manage the different codes within one screen. Additionally, you can manage the dependencies and decision makers for the feature.

Add New Switch Feature Management

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Feature Management.
  3. Within the Actions pane, click the Add New Switch Feature Management link.
  4. The General – Feature Management window opens.
  5. There are three panes of information:
    • General Feature Information
    • Switch Features, Decision Makers and Feature Dependencies
    • Add Feature Code
  1. Within the General Feature Information pane, type the name of the feature, for example Call Forward, Auto Display, etc.
  2. Within the Switch Feature, Decision Makers and Feature Dependencies pane, complete the following information (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Switch Type* – click the field to access a drop-down list and from the list, select the switch type for this particular feature. Once you select a switch type, a new line populates at the top of the list allowing you to keeping adding information. Keep in mind that you can use this same feature for multiple switch types, with each new line representing a new switch.
    • Group Feature Name – if the feature you’re adding belongs to a certain group of features (optional and most leave this blank)
    • Manufacturer Feature Name – the switch acronym used for the feature (CFB, AUD, ABDA, BUZZ, etc.)
    • Feature Category* – you must create the feature for each possible category this feature can be used for. Click the field to access a drop-down list and from the list, select one of the following.
    • Analog – select this option if this is an analog feature.
    • Digital – select this option if this is a digital feature.
    • ISDN – select this option if this is an ISDN feature.
    • IP – select this option if this is an IP feature.
    • Key – select this option if the feature is added to a key as a key feature opposed to a phone feature.
    • Add Sort Order – type the sort order for adding the feature to a set. The sort order indicates the position in which CAIRS adds the feature to the set. An Add Sort Order of 2 will indicate this feature is added before any feature with a Add Sort Order of 3.
    • Delete Sort Order – type the sort for deleting the feature from the set. A Delete Sort Order of 2 will indicate this feature is removed before any feature with a Delete Sort Order of 3.
    • Hybrid Digital* – click the box to insert a checkmark indicating the feature is a hybrid digital
  1. It is a good idea to save your progress so far, within the Actions ribbon group click the Save button.
  2. The next step is to define any decision -makers related to the feature. Click the plus sign (+) next to the switch name. A group of lines open below.
  3. Within the first line, and if applicable, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Decision Field Name – requires prompts from the switch when adding this feature.
    • Value – all of the possible answers to the decision prompt.
    • Field Help – optional area to provide feedback to the users for each decision value.
    • Always Pick From List – a checked box indicates the list of values under the decision are the ONLY possible answers for the switch prompt.
  1. Within the second line, click the field to access a drop-down list and from the list, select the dependency feature.
  2. Click the SAVE button prior to completing the third line, if you don’t, the Manufacturer Feature Line will be blank in the next step.
  3. With the third line complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
    • Software Load* – click the field to access a drop-down list and from the list, select the appropriate software load associated with the switch
  1. Again, it is a good idea to save your progress, within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save button.
  2. Before any CAIRS can add any feature into the switch, you much enter the code or language that the switch understands.
  3. Within the first line, click a line to highlight the feature you want to add the code to. This is an important step because you can manage the same feature for several switches within this window.
  4. Within the Add Feature Code pane, type the code required by the switch to properly install this feature on the set.
  5. At the same time, you can enter in the Delete Feature code information. Within the lower part of the pane, click the Delete Feature Code tab. The pane changes to allowing you to type the code to delete the feature from the set.
  6. Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save & New button to clear the screen to allow you to continue adding features or click on the Save & Close button to return you to the main menu.

Modify Switch Feature

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Feature Management
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Feature Management window.
  2. Modify the necessary information.
  3. Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save & Close button to return you to the main menu.

Delete a Switch Feature

  1. Click the Switches menu.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Feature Management
  3. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. Once the list populates, highlight the feature management record that you want to delete. There are three ways to delete the record:
    • Within the Actions pane, click the Delete Switch Feature Management link.
    • Within the toolbar at the top of the window, click the red X.
    • Double-click the record to open the Feature Management window. Within the Actions ribbon group, click on the Delete button
  1. With either option, a message box opens verifying that you really want to delete the feature management record. Click Yes to continue deleting or No to cancel the operation.
  2. When you click Yes, the feature is removed from the Feature Management list.

Set Type Management Utility

The Set Type Management Utility allows you create the various sets that you will use within your database. Essentially, you are creating a template that the user will see when adding, changing or deleting the set.

Please contact Unique Communication Solutions technical support for further details.

Import Core Data

This menu options allows a Unique Communication Representative to import data from an Access database into your CAIRS database. Please do not perform any function within this menu without the assistance of a Unique Communications representative.


The three exporting options, Export Features, Export Set Types, and Export WOPR Scripts are used for basic setup and troubleshooting. For each of the menu options, there are two actions, you can export the list into different files, meaning that CAIRS creates a few file for each record within the list. Second, you can export the list into one file. When you click on either Action link, you are asked to Browse to the location of where to save the file and to name the file, once you click Save CAIRS generates the file and notifies you when the file is complete. Depending on the amount of information you have within your database, the process may take a few minutes.