Connection Group Statistics
You can only view the Connection Group Statistics from within the connection group itself. To view the statistics, access the connection group, then the Quick Stats ribbon group. The following reports are available:
- Path Availability – this report displays the detailed information for the path. Each path may have multiple lines depending how many terminals it is punched down in.
- Fill Percentage – this report is displayed in two forms, the top portion shows a bar graph, the lower pane displays the percentages and path status.
- Building Service – this report displays the building and terminal this connection services and the associated path count.
- Terminal Report – this report displays the terminals of where this connection is within each building.
- Connectivity Report – this report displays the device assigned to the connection as well as complete cross connect information.
Building Statistics
CAIRS offers a quick way to look at a building’s statistics. With the Quick Stats ribbon group of the building the following 4 reports are available:
- Path Availability – displays the Number/Circuit/Device, the connection name, the path numbers, the status (in use, spare, reserved, or bad) of the path numbers, terminal names, binding posts, and frame information for a given building.
- Connection Service – this report displays all the connections and ranges assigned to the building
- Fill Percentage – this report is displayed in two forms, the top portion shows a bar graph, the lower pane displays the percentages and path status of each connection
- Connectivity Report – this report displays only the connection paths that are associated to a device whether a directory number or circuit.