Phone Book

The Phone Book allows your operators to quickly access information relating to telephone numbers from the Configured Items à Set Management/Cisco/Avaya section of CAIRS. The phone book provides basic directory information related to the set.

There are two ways to populate the phone book.  First is a CES process that runs in the background that takes the directory information and automatically populates the phonebook.  The process can run nightly to populate new or changed directory information.  The second way is to manually build listings into the phone book.

Based on privileges, operators can make changes or accepts changes to certain fields related to the listing.  Once changes are made, they can be accepted and sent to populate the set within Configured Items.

Directory Transfer Manager

The easiest way to populate the Phone Book is to setup CES to perform a Directory Transfer Manager. This service copies all the existing telephone numbers within your Configured Items – Set Management/Cisco/Avaya to the Phone Book.

Within System Admin à Service Management à Service Manager, your CAIRS administrator can setup the Directory Transfer Manager to transfer new switch records into the Phone Book. When it transfers the telephone numbers, they will come into the phone book as unassigned; your operators can assign them according to the proper section. The phone book section allows them to categorize the listings by how they want to look up the information.

The phone book sections are added within Edit/Rearrange Phone Book. You will assign each site a section code, name and sort order.

Creating Section Names

Before you can start assigning your listings into phone book sections, you must first create the sections. A section can be anything that groups a set of like numbers together.  For example, if your site has multiple units, each unit could have its own section.  The sections are used for the printed version of the phone book.

  1. Click the Directory/Organization
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Phone Book.
  3. Within the Actions pane, click Edit/Rearrange Phone Book.

The Phone Book window opens, displaying a list of the sites that are within your database.

  1. Next to each site name is the section information. In order for the telephone numbers assigned to a site, you must complete the following fields, all fields are required:
    • Site * – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the site. The site drop-down list displays the bottom-most site first. After the ~~ is the complete path to the site. Each site level is separated by a >.
    • Section Code * – type the code for the section name; this can be the abbreviation for the section name. This allows your operators an alternate means to search for the listing information.
    • Section Name * – type the section name for the site. This field should be specific enough that your operators know what telephone numbers are within each section, for example, Barracks, Flight Line, etc.
    • Sort Order * – this field automatically populates with next sort order
    • New Page * – click the box to insert a checkmark to indicate that if you are exporting and/or printing the phone book, each new section starts on a new page.
  1. Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with the section names, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Phone Book list.

Assigning a Listing a Section

  1. Click the Directory/Organization
  2. Within the Navigation pane, click Phone Book.
  3. Within the Views pane, click the Unassigned option button.
  4. Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Within the search box, type any portion of the record then click the magnifying glass.
    • Click the Show All
  1. The list displays all the listings that do not have a section assigned.
  2. Double-click any record to open the Phone Book listing window.
  3. Within the Section Name field, click the drop-down arrow to access a list, from the list select the section name to associate to the telephone listing
  4. Complete any other fields as necessary.
  5. Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save & Close button to return to the Unassigned List.
  6. Notice that the telephone number no longer displays within the list of Unassigned numbers.