The Toll Ticket System is designed to charge back Operator Assisted phone calls. When a call is placed from an Operator Station, the call is billed to the operator’s unit, not to the people actually making the phone call/s. With Toll Tickets, calls can now be tracked and the charges automatically re-directed and billed to the appropriate parties.
Toll Ticket Setup
Before toll tickets can be issued, your system administrator must setup a few settings. They are:
- UseTollTicketOption – the Setting Value must be set to True.
- Control Number Mask – Default Toll Ticket Control Number (standard control numbers).
- VIP Control Number Mask – Default Toll Ticket Control Number (VIP control numbers). For those who need to make operator-assisted phone calls, but who do not have a billing account inside the organization generating the call. Used at the discretion of the operators.
Manage Operator Phone Numbers
ALL operator work-station phone numbers that could appear in a call record as the extension that placed the call need to be entered into the Phone Number field. Operators are frequently grouped into stations. The phone numbers for each station can be designated by alpha or numeric characters.
- Click the Directory/Organization menu.
- Within the Navigation pane, click Toll Tickets à Toll Ticket Views.
- There are two ways to access the Manage Operator Phone Number window:
- On the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the Manage Operator Phone Numbers button.
- Within the Actions pane, click the Manage Operator Phone Numbers link.
- With either option, the Manage Operator Phone Numbers window opens.
Adding a Phone Number
- In the Manage Operator Phone Numbers list pane, click the top row, marked with an asterisk (*) to add a new phone number.
- Associate an alpha or numeric character to each operator station, then for each phone number, add the character in the Station * column.
Deleting a Phone Number
- There are two ways to delete a phone number:
- Right Right-click the record selector box next to the number to access a menu from the menu click on
- Highlight the name in the list and within the Actions ribbon group click the Delete
- Once you click Delete, a message box appears verifying that you really want to delete the number. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation.
Once selected, CAIRS draws a line through the entire row allowing you to delete multiple numbers at once.
- If you do not want to delete the number, right-click the record to access a pop-up menu and click
- Once you select Undelete, a message box appears verifying that you really want to keep the number. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue adding numbers, or Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Toll Tickets Management list.
Adding TCO Control Numbers
When a TCO uses all assigned control numbers before the end of the month, you can assign new control numbers.
- Click the Directory/Organization menu.
- Within the Navigation pane, click Toll Tickets > TCO Groups’ Control Numbers.
- There are two ways to add Control Numbers:
- On the toolbar above the Navigation pane, click the Add Control Numbers for TCO button.
- Within the Actions pane, click the Add Control Numbers for TCO link.
- With either option, the Add Control Numbers for a Particular TCO window displays.
- Within the window, complete the following fields:
- Select TCO – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, select the TCO.
- Number of Control Numbers to Add – type the quantity of Control Numbers you want to add or use the standard monthly quantity that is displayed in the field.
- Click the Create Control Numbers button to add the Control Numbers to a TCO’s list.
- A notification pop-up displays, confirming your Control Numbers were created successfully. Click OK.
- The Add more Control Numbers for a Particular TCO window remains open. You can continue to add additional Control Numbers for other TCOs, or click the Exit button to return to the Toll Ticket Control Numbers list.
! If you add more control numbers than you need, you can delete the numbers, or leave them in queue for future calls. Each month, the standard quantity of control numbers will be exported to the account. Unused Control Numbers are marked as expired at the end of each month.
Creating and Completing a Single Toll Ticket
- Click the Directory/Organization menu.
- Within the Navigation pane, click Toll Tickets àToll Ticket Views.
- Within the Actions pane, click Add New Toll Ticket Main.
- The Toll Ticket [Detail] window opens.
- Type the control number obtained from your Telephone Control Officer (TCO) in the Control Number field.
- Click the Validate button.
- The Control Number is instantly validated and assigned to the associated TCO Group.
- Within the Ticket Type ribbon group, click Single Ticket. The Ticket Type * field populates with the call type.
- Within the Regular Toll Ticket pane, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
- From Number * – the number of the person initiating the call.
- Called Number * – the number the operator is calling (must exactly match the number that is called).
- Calling Party * – the name of the person making the call.
- Called Party * – the name of the person receiving the call.
- Called Party Location * – location of outgoing call (Ex. Residence).
- Connection Made TimeStamp – auto-populates the date/time the call was connected once the Call Connected button is clicked.
- The call is then placed.
- If the party answers, within the Call Actions ribbon group, click the Call Connected button.
- Once the call is connected, it is not necessary to monitor single calls. Within the Call Actions ribbon group, click Call Completed.
- Once you select Call Completed, a message box displays asking if you want to save and close the Toll Ticket. Click Yes to continue.
- The Control Number is now marked as
! Single calls are instantly marked as completed. Click the Call Completed button within the Call Actions ribbon group.
Toll Ticket Conference Calls
Creating the Conference Call Toll Ticket
- Click the Directory/Organization menu.
- Within the Navigation pane, click Toll Tickets àToll Ticket Views.
- Within the Actions pane, click Add New Toll Ticket Main link.
- The Toll Ticket – [Detail] window opens.
- Within the VIP ribbon group, click the Control Number button.
- The control number auto-populates in the Control Number field, and is instantly validated and assigned to the VIP TCO Group.
- Within the Ticket Type ribbon group, click the Conference Ticket button.
- A bottom pane, Conference Call Toll Ticket, has now been added to the main window.
- Within the Conference Call Toll Ticket pane, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
- Requestor Phone Number * – type the number of the person requesting the conference call.
- Requestor * – type the name of the person requesting the conference call.
- Requestor Duty Location – type the location of the person requesting the call.
- Scheduled Date Time – type the date and time the conference call is scheduled to begin.
- Reminder Date Time – type the date and time you would like a reminder of the conference call to display (reminder will be sent to ALL operators).
- Connection To Requestor Made Time Stamp – auto-populates the date/time the call was connected once the Call Connected button is clicked.
- You can add a reminder to the conference call by typing the date and time you would like the reminder to display in the Reminder Date Time field. A reminder pop-up will display in the bottom of the screen. All operators will receive the reminder notice in case the operator who created the ticket is unavailable at the time of the call.
Adding Participants to a Conference Call
The names and phone numbers of participants who have previously been involved in a conference call ticket are maintained in CAIRS, in the Available Participants NOT part of conference call (add if they don’t exist) list.
- Within the Available Participants NOT part of conference call (add if they don’t exist) list, double-click the name of the participant you would like to add to the new call. They have now been added to the Participants who will participate in the conference call list.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Toll Tickets Management list.
You can add a new participant at any time by typing each caller’s information (name, phone number, rank, and location) in the Available Participants NOT part of conference call (add if they don’t exist) list.
- Within the Available Participants NOT part of conference call (add if they don’t exist) list complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
- Name * – type the name of the participant.
- Phone Number * – type the phone number the participant will be calling in on.
- Rank – type the rank of participant.
- Location – type the location of participant.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save before continuing.
- Within the Available Participants NOT part of conference call (add if they don’t exist) list, double-click the newly added name. They have now been added to the Participants who will participate in the conference call list.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Toll Tickets Management list.
Connecting a Conference Call
- Click the Directory/Organization menu.
- Within the Navigation pane, click Toll Tickets > Toll Ticket Views.
- The Toll Tickets Management list displays.
- To open the Toll Ticket, double-click the appropriate IDNumber *.
- Within the Participants who will participate in the conference call list, begin calling each participant using the phone number listed next to their name.
- Within the Participants who will participate in the conference call list, complete the following fields:
- Not Available – click the box to insert a checkmark next to a participant’s name when they are unavailable to participate in the call.
- No Answer – click the box to insert a checkmark next to a participant’s name when they do not answer the call.
- Connect Date Time – click in the Connect Date Time field to record the date and time the participant was connected to the conference call.
- When all participants have been connected to the call, click the Call Connected button within the Call Actions ribbon group.
- Once the call has ended and all participants have disconnected from the call, within the Call Actions ribbon group, click Call Completed.
- A pop-up message displays asking if you would like to save and close the Toll Ticket. Click Yes.
- The ticket is now marked as “used” and is viewable from the All Toll Tickets list within the Toll Tickets Management pane.
Deleting a Toll Ticket
Only Toll Tickets that are in an Active status (“Available”) can be deleted. Completed Toll Tickets (“Used”) cannot be deleted.
- Click the Directory/Organization menu.
- Within the Navigation pane, click Toll Tickets > Toll Tickets Views.
- The Toll Tickets Management list displays.
- There are several ways to delete a Toll Ticket:
- Right-click the record in the list, and select Delete from the pop-up menu.
- Highlight the ticket number in the list, and within the Actions pane, click the Delete Toll Ticket Main link.
- Highlight the name in the list, and on the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the Delete button.
- With any of these options, a message box displays verifying that you want to delete the selected toll tickets. Click Yes to continue (the information will be removed from CAIRS) or No to cancel the operation.