Manage File Attachment Types
Within System Settings, you can determine what types of files your users can attach to records within your database. These file types are restricted to size based on the Maximum File Attachment Size in MB System Setting.
- Click the System Admin
- In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) System Setting to access the sub-menus
- Click Settings.
- There are two ways to manage your file types:
- Within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the Manage Attachment File Types
- Within the Actions pane, click the Manage Attachment File Types
- Within either option, the Manage Attachment File Types window opens. Within the window, there are two columns: Extension and Description.
- Click on the row with an asterisk (*) to add a new file type, within the Extension column type-in the allowed file attachment extension (the extension is anything after the period, for example, if the file name is picture.png, the extension is png).
- Once you start typing the file extension, a new row appears at the top of the list allowing you to add multiple types at one time.
- To delete a file type, right-click the record selector box next to the Extension to access a popup menu, from the menu select Delete. A message box appears verifying that you really want to delete the file type, click Yes to continue or No to cancel the operation.
Once selected, CAIRS draws a line through the type allowing you to delete multiple items at once.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with the file types, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to System Settings.