Important Considerations:
We will cover the process once within the manual, as the process to create a configuration for official accounts is the same as the process for unofficial accounts.
When working within the Report Header Rows pane and the Report Body Sections pane, the information you select works from the top of the page down.
The Report Preview pane will show a preview of the report every time you add a new element. Also, a new pdf window opens with the newly added element.
When you select a field from the Element Data Fields column, it is a good idea to enter in text, for example, if you select account number from the list and enter in nothing in the text field, only the account number prints on the report. However, if you type-in Account Number in the text field, the text Account Number appears before the actual number.
The Element Data Field is used to place single values into the report.
The Element Type is used to place large amount of data into the report.