Currency Exchange Rate
In CAIRS you can bill either with the dollar or foreign currency. In order to bill in a foreign currency and use the vendor media import, you will need to keep the exchange rate up-to-date. You need to change a few settings in order for you to bill in a foreign currency. To access the setting go to System Admin – Call Record Settings, you will need to adjust the following settings:
- Current Currency Symbol – displays the currency symbol you are using for all billing, for example the $ sign.
- Days Till Expiration Warning – this setting determines the number of days before you receive an expiration warning for foreign currency. The default is 355 days, meaning that you must update the exchange rate every 355 days.
- Foreign Currency Expiration Warning – this setting works in conjunction with the ‘Days Till Expiration Warning’, if set to true than the administrator receives the warning, if set to false no warning is given.
- Foreign Currency Symbol – displays the foreign currency symbol if you are billing in a foreign currency
- Unit Value – displays the number of units for each value. For example, 100 units (cents) in $1 or 100 pence in 1 pound.
- Use Foreign Currency – when set to True, all billing is in the foreign currency determined within your rate tables.
CAIRS will not be able to support the use of more than one form of currency. For example if you bill some accounts in dollars and some is yen, CAIRS will not be able to differentiate which account need yen and which need dollar. The currency that will be billed ans used is the one you designate in the System Setting à Foreign Currency Symbol.