Within Account Entries, you can view the configured items associated to the account and the related charge types. When you access a record, you can modify the account for equipment and services as well as the equipment and services associated to the item.
You can search for a particular item to view or you can view all items by clicking the Show All link. The following information displays for the item number or name:
- Item Number or Name – displays the telephone number, circuit name, etc.
- Item Type – displays the item type for example, Organization, Cell Phone Number, Telephone, Circuit Segment, etc.
- Item Delete Date – displays the date the item was deleted from the account. The item still appears in the list; however, no charges are incurred.
- Account Number – displays the account number
- Site – displays the site name
- Organization Name and Path – displays the organization name and the entire organization path
- Billing Start and End Date – displays the date the account started to incur charges and the date the charges ended
- Charge Type – displays the charge type the account is responsible for, there are four types: Call Charges, One Time, Recurring, and Both One Time and Recurring Charges.
- Customer Code – displays the customer code associated to the account. A customer code allows accounts to be assigned to number or configured items and changed as s group. When a change is made to the customer code all associated account are also changed.
By double clicking on any record you open the Assigned Accounts and Equipment window, this window allows you to view and modify accounts, equipment and services related to the item number or name. Within the Related Item Action ribbon group, you can click the Open Item button to open the appropriate window whether a set device, circuit, subscriber, etc.
Viewing Related Components
- Click the Configured Items menu.
- In the Navigation pane, select Accounting Entries
- Before the Assigned Accounts list populates, you must either:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record, whether account number, telephone number, etc and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All button.
- The Assigned Accounts list opens, displaying the account matching your search criteria.
- The list displays the following information:
- Item Number or Name
- Item Type
- Item Delete Date
- Account Number
- Site
- Organization Name and Path
- Billing Start and End Date
- Charge Type
- Customer Code
- An item may appear in the list more than once depending on the different charge types. For example, if the account is responsible for one-time and call charges, the item appears twice within the list.
- To view more detail, double click on the record to open the Assigned Accounts and Equipment window. This window allows you to associate additional equipment and services to the component.
Modifying/Adding/Deleting the Accounts for Equipment and Services
- Click the Configured Items menu.
- In the Navigation pane, select Accounting Entries
- Before the Assigned Accounts list populates, you must either:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record, whether account number, telephone number, etc and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All button.
- The Assigned Accounts list opens, displaying the account matching your search criteria. Double click the record to open the Assigned Accounts and Equipment window.
- There are three panes of information; the top pane displays the configured item details. The middle pane is the Accounts for Calls pane, this displays the accounts associated with the item. The bottom pane displays the equipment and services associated to the item number or name.
- Within the Accounts for Calls pane, you can add a new account to the item number or name by clicking the row marked with the asterisk and complete the following fields, required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
- Charge Type* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, then select one of the following choices:
- All Charges – bills the account number for recurring, one-time and call charges
- Recurring Charges – bills the account for only recurring charges
- One-time Charges – bills the account for only one- time charges
- Default for Call Charges – if you assign any telephone numbers to a button, this is the default account number that incurs the call charges.
! If you choose to assign an account number as a default for call charges, you can still assign separate account numbers for certain buttons. The selections within the Accounts for Calls tab overrides the selection made within this pane.
- Site* – once you click any of the drop-down lists, the site name auto-populates with the site selected in the Cell Phone Information pane.
- Account Number* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list of the account numbers and their associated organizations. If an account number is associated to multiple organizations, the account number appears in the list multiple times, for example if account number 2424 is associated to three different organizations, there are three appearances of the account number within the drop-down. Each account number references the different organization name.
From the list, select the account number and organization responsible for the charges.
! When you create an account number, you can assign it to an organization or to a subscriber; this designates the account as official or unofficial. If you select an account with an organization, it is most likely an Official Account. If you select an account where the organization is blank, it is most likely an Unofficial account and associated to a subscriber.
- Organization – if you have selected an account number associated to an organization, that organization name populates within the field. This is a read only field.
- Billing Start Date* – click the drop-down arrow to access a calendar, from the calendar select the date to start the billing. To change the month and year click the right or left arrow and once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
- Billing End Date – click the drop-down arrow to access a calendar, from the calendar select the date to stop the billing for the equipment or service. To change the month and year click the right or left arrow and once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
- You can perform one more function; you can delete the account number by right clicking the record selector button next to the Charge Type to access a popup menu. From the menu select delete. When asked if you really want to delete the row click yes to continue or no to cancel the operation.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with the assigned account, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Assigned Account
Modifying/Adding the Equipment and Services
- Click the Configured Items menu.
- In the Navigation pane, select Accounting Entries
- Before the Assigned Accounts list populates, you must either:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record, whether account number, telephone number, etc and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All button.
- The Assigned Accounts list opens, displaying the account matching your search criteria. Double click the record to open the Assigned Accounts and Equipment window.
- Within the Equipment and Services pane make any necessary changes to the existing information.
- Alternately, you can add a new equipment or services to the item number or name by clicking the row marked with the asterisk and complete the following fields, required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
- Equipment or Service Type* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, from the list select the equipment type. The following three columns of information display for each equipment type:
- Equipment or Service Types – displays the name of the equipment or service
- Is Service Type – a checkmark indicates that the type is a service
- Allow Cost Adjustment – a checkmark indicates that the you can adjust the cost of the equipment or service
Within the list, select the equipment or service type.
- Equipment Name* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, from the list select the equipment name.
- Part Name* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and select the equipment part name.
- Site – once you click any of the drop-down lists, the site name auto-populates with the site selected in the Cell Phone Information pane
- Serial Number* – this field may auto-populate after you select a part name, it may either contain None or Generate Automatically, if these are contained within the field do not change the selection. However, if the field is blank click the drop-down arrow to access a list, and select the appropriate serial number
- Quantity – this field auto-populates with a pre-determined quantity amount. To change, click the field and type the new information.
- One Time Cost – this field auto-populates with the equipment’s one-time charge.
- Recurring Cost – this field auto-populates with the equipment’s recurring charge.
- Total One Time Cost – displays the total one-time cost for the equipment item.
- Total Recurring Cost – displays the total recurring cost for the equipment item.
! At the bottom of the list of equipment, there is a totals line. This line displays the total for one-time and recurring charges for all the equipment items within the list.
- Install Date* – this field auto-populates with today’s date. To change the date click the field to access a drop-down arrow, once clicked a calendar appears, from the calendar select the date to install the new equipment, this is the date the charges start to appear for billing purposes. To change the month and year click the right or left arrow, and once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
- Delete Date – click the field to access a drop-down arrow, once clicked a calendar appears, from the calendar select the date to delete the piece of equipment. To change the date, click the field to access a drop-down calendar. To change the month and year click the right or left arrow, and once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
- Location – type the equipment location.
- Last Recurring Bill Date – this field indicates the last date the piece of equipment generated a bill.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue adding equipment to the item name or number, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Assigned Account
Deleting Equipment or Services
- Click the Configured Items menu.
- In the Navigation pane, select Accounting Entries
- Before the Assigned Accounts list populates, you must either:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record, whether account number, telephone number, etc and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All button.
- The Assigned Accounts list opens, displaying the account matching your search criteria. Double click the record to open the Assigned Accounts and Equipment window.
- Within the Equipment and Services pane, find the equipment or service to delete and click the selector box next to the equipment or service type, a small pop-up menu opens, within the box click Delete.
- Once you click Delete, a message box displays, within the box there are two choices:
- Set Delete Date as today – use this to attach today as the delete date. When CES runs, it deletes the item from the item number or name and the billing will end as of today’s date.
- Remove the row permanently – use this to delete the item permanently from the set, this deletes the item from the item number or name without a delete date attached. This selection prevents prorated billing for the last month of use. Once you click ok, the item is removed from the Equipment and Services pane.
- Cancel – this selection cancels the entire delete operation and returns you to item number or name.
- Click the appropriate option button, and then click Ok to continue, or Cancel to stop the operation. If you have selected Set Delete Date as today, today’s date populates within the Delete Date field.
- To complete the deletion, within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with the assigned account, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Assigned Account list.
Viewing Equipment or Services
There are several options available when viewing the equipment and services related to a record. At the top of the Equipment and Services pane is a dropdown box click on the arrow to select the statue that you want to view, you can choose from one of the following statuses:
- Active Charges – displays a list of the active equipment and services in your billing cycle. This will be mostly recurring charges. After charges are billed, they will be moved to the inactive charges list.
- Inactive Charges – displays a list of the equipment and services that have been billed for, this will be mostly one-time charges.
- Installed – displays a list of the equipment and services that has not been deleted. If you do not do any sort of billing this list will be the same as the active charges list.
- Deleted – displays a list of equipment and services that have been deleted, with a delete date on the record. Any equipment or service that was deleted permanently (with no delete date) will not appear in any list as it no longer appears in the system.
- All – displays a list of the equipment and services related to the record regardless of status.
Next to the status dropdown box are two checkboxes, one for equipment the other for services. They are both checked to indicate that you want to see both equipment and services within the list. To only view equipment or services click on the box to remove the appropriate checkmark, the list changes to display your selection.