Feature Packages
You can create a set of features that are standard for each type of switch that you use. These packages can then be associated with a set device to add the set of features with one-step. This is a two-step process, you first create the package, and then you assign features to the package.
In order for you to add Feature Package into your database, you must first create your switch.
Creating a Feature Packages
- Click Configured Items.
- In the Navigation pane, click Set Management > Feature Packages.
- In the Actions pane, select Add New Feature Packages.
- The General Feature Packages window opens.
- Complete the following information for the Feature Package (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):
- Feature Package * – type the feature package name, for example, Analog, ISDN, VTC, etc.
- Switch Name* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, and then select the switch name.
- Category* – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, then select the feature package category, for example, Digital, Analog, ISDN, etc.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue creating feature packages, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Feature Package list.
Deleting a Feature Package
- Click Configured Items.
- In the Navigation pane, click Set Management > Feature Packages.
- The Feature Packages list opens, displaying all feature packages. There are three ways to delete a feature package:
- Highlight the feature package within the list and within the Actions pane click the Delete Feature Package
- Highlight the feature package and within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the red X.
- Double-click the feature package name, Feature Package window opens. Within the Configuration ribbon group, click the Features
- Once you click Delete, a message box displays verifying that you really want to delete the feature package. Click Yes within the box to continue or No to cancel the operation
Adding/Deleting a Feature to a Feature Package
- Click Configured Items.
- In the Navigation pane, click Set Management > Feature Packages.
- The Feature Packages list opens, displaying all existing feature packages. Double-click the package.
- The Feature Package window opens. Within the Configuration ribbon group, click the Features
- A list of all available features for the selected switch display with the following information:
- Select – a checkmark indicates the feature is assigned to the feature package.
- Feature Name – displays the common feature name.
- Manufacturer Feature Name – displays the code used within the switch environment.
- Add Feature Code – displays the information sent to the switch when this feature is added to a set.
- Delete Feature Code – displays the information sent to the switch when the feature is deleted from a set.
- Hybrid Digital – (EWSD only)
- Add Sort Order –this field allows you to place an add position onto the feature, for example if this feature is dependent on another feature to be added first, the sort order would have to be higher. Click the field to type the appropriate sort order.
- Delete Sort Order –this field allows you to place a delete position onto the feature, for example if this feature is dependent on another feature to be deleted first, the sort order would have to be higher. Click the field to type the appropriate sort order
- Click the box within the Select column to insert a checkmark and add the feature to the package.
- Click the column to remove the checkmark to delete the feature from the package.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue adding/deleting features, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Feature Packages list.