Your operators can track telephone listings that do not appear within the Set Management portion of the CAIRS database. They can add, modify, and delete listings. Please keep in mind that if operators add a listing here it will not show anywhere else within the CAIRS database.
Creating a new listing
- Click the Directory/Organization
- Within the Navigation pane, click Phone Book.
- There are two ways to add a new listing into the phone book:
- On the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the drop-down arrow next to New. From the list, select Phone Book.
- Within the Actions pane, click Add New Phone Book Listing.
- With either option, the General – Phone Book window opens.
- Within the window, complete the following information (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
- Site * – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the site. The site drop-down list displays the bottom-most site first. After the ~~ is the complete path to the site. Each site level is separated by a >.
- Section Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list of the sections associated to the site, from the list select the section name.
- Organization Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list from the list, select the name of the organization. The organization drop-down list displays the bottom-most organization first. After the ~~the complete path to the selected organization displays. In the example below, we selected Documentation, which is a child to Development and Unique. Each level of the organizational tree is separated by a >.
- Telephone Number – type the telephone number.
- Job Title – type the job title or description.
- Office Symbol – type the office symbol.
- Building Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list, from the list select the building name.
- Room – type the room number.
- Sort Order * – this field defaults to 0, (telephone numbers are listed in numerical order). To have this record display at the top of the list, type a 1 in this field. You can number each record according to position within the list from 1 to 999.
- Keyword – type a name or description that allows your operators to perform a quick search on the telephone number. For example, if the telephone number belongs to the Library, you would type Library into this field for an easier 411 search.
- Publish Listing – this field default to contain a checkmark to indicate that the listing is published within the directory, click the box to remove the checkmark to indicate that this listing is non-published
- The Print Building Number through Trailing Digit Count are fields that are used if you want to export the phone directory and import it into a third-party product.
- Civilian Telephone Number – type the civilian telephone number
- Comm Number – type the Comm number
- Subscriber – click on the field to access a drop-down list of the subscribers within your database. You can either search for the subscriber by typing any portion of the record within the textbox, as you type the list modifies to display your results. Alternatively, you can scroll through the list to find the subscriber name. Once at the subscriber, click on the name to associate to the listing.
- Phone Book Misc 1-6 – use these fields for any information relating to the phone book listing
- Directory Misc 1 – 10 – use these fields for any information relating to the directory information for the listing
- Set Misc 1 – 20 – use these field for any information relating to the set information
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save & New (to save and stay) to add another listing, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Phone Book list.
Deleting a listing
- Click the Directory/Organization
- Within the Navigation pane, click Phone Book.
- There are three ways that you can delete a record from the phone book:
- Highlight the phone book listing within the list and on the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane click the red
- Highlight the phone book listing within the list and within the Actions pane click the Delete Phone Book Listing
- Within the list, double-click the record. The Phone Book window opens. Within the Actions, ribbon group click the Delete
- Once you click Delete, a message box displays verifying that you really want to delete the listing. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel the operation.
Viewing a listing
There are few ways to access a listing to view. You can perform a search from the Search Phone Book link, this will display matching listings based on your search criteria or tags. The listings that display provide you with read only information.
Alternatively, you can search the entire phone book from the phone book list next to the navigation pane. Next to the search text box, click on the double down arrow to access a set of fields that you can search from. Within any of the fields type-in the search parameter, you can also click on the box that says ‘contains’ next to each field and select a clarifier (such as Begins with, Equal to, Greater than, etc.). Once your parameter is created, click on the magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner of the pane. The matching listings will display within the list. To view the complete details for the listing, double click on the row to open the details window.
Listing Discrepancies
Often times there are discrepancies from what the phone book says and what the switch says. Based on privileges operators can change information for a listing. When you access a listing, the Listing Discrepancies pane, displays two columns the phone book fields and the set management fields. The fields that are different appear in bold type. In the example below, the set management field for subscriber is populated however, the phone listing is not.
Conflict Resolution
When differences exist in either the phone book or in set management, the operators can choose to update their listing by clicking on one of the buttons with the Conflict Resolution ribbon group. The two options available are:
- Accept Phone Book Data – this will accept all the changes made within the phone book and transfer the changes into the Set Device listing.
- Accept Set Device Data – this will accept the data that is in the Set Device listing and overwrite any data that may have existed in the phone book.
With either option, once clicked the data will overwrite any existing or missing information. To save the changes, click on the Save button.
Making Changes to a Listing
Again, based on privileges, operators can make changes to the listing and send those changes to the set management portion of CAIRS. To do so, they simply type in the new information within the Phone Book Listing pane. Once complete, they will click on the Accept Phone Book Data. The Listing Discrepancies pane will change to display the new information. To save the changes, click on the Save button.
Exporting the Phone Book
- Click the Directory/Organization
- Within the Navigation pane, click Phone Book.
- On the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click the drop-down arrow next to Export. The following options are available when exporting the phone book (only the applicable export options are listed):
- Excel (All Levels) – exports all records to an Excel spreadsheet.
- PDF (All Levels) – exports the report to a PDF file.
- Tab-Delimited Text (Top Level Only) – exports the top level of each grouping to a tab-delimited text file.
- The file opens in the appropriate program allowing you to save or print the information.
Viewing the Phone Book
There are a few different views to choose from when looking at the information within the phone book. The following view options are available:
- Basic Lookup – this is the default view; this will display the telephone number only.
- Simple List – this displays the listings in numerical order from least to greatest.
- Maintenance – this list sorts the listings by their associated site, section code and section name.
- Unassigned – this list displays the listings that were added through the Directory Transfer Manager, these are the listings that need a section name assigned before you can view them in the phone book.
- Detailed – this list provides more details for each listing.
- Directory Differences – this view provides a list of the listing that have a discrepancy between the phone book and the set device data.