The term “Connections” is a general term relating to cable and pairs, or fiber connections and paths. Note: For those familiar with Unique Communication’s CAIRS 32 program, it is important to understand that CAIRS is not restricted to the labels “ cables” and” pairs.” For this reason, CAIRS uses the term “connections” to describe the actual transmission used for working service. In CAIRS, a connection can be copper, cat IV, or other types available at your site. A path refers to the method of transmission, for example, a path can be a pair of copper wires, or it can also be a path in a fiber. CAIRS allows you to track the connection from the frame to the binding post.
With each connection, you can view site assignment, path assignments, statistics, path ranges, etc.
A set device or circuit can exist within your database without a connection and path assignment.
When you create the different types of connections you use on your sites, you can determine whether a type is multiple channels. A multiple channel connection allows the paths to be used more than once for an assignment.