Within Path Assignments you can view the complete list of assignments for the connection path range. In addition, you can double-click any of the assignments and view and/or modify the information for the assignment. When you double-click an assignment, the Connection Path window opens. There are three panes of information:
- Path Information – display general path information
- Path Appearances – displays a list of which terminals the path is assignment to
- Telephone/Circuits – displays a list of the assignments associated with the path
Within the Show ribbon group of the Connection Path window is a Connectivity button, which allows you to modify the connection group and path information for each of the assignments. This tab allows you to move a set device or circuit off the connection onto another without having to complete an entire work order.
With that in mind, please be aware that if you edit the information here there is no work order number for tracking purposes.
Viewing Path Assignments
- Click the Facilities
- In the Navigation pane, click Connections.
- Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not immediately populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
- Within the search box, type the connection group name or portion of the name and then click the magnifying glass or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Click the Show All
- The Connection Group list displays. Double-click the connection name.
- The Connection window opens. Within the Show ribbon group, click the Path Assignments
- The lower half of the window displays the Connection Path Assignments. The following read only information is displayed:
- Directory Number
- Circuit Name
- Port
- Assignment Building Name
- Connection Name
- Path Number
- Dedicated Path
- Connected Building Name
- Status
Viewing a Path’s Details
- In the Navigation pane, click Connections.
- Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not immediately populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
- Within the search box, type the connection group name or portion of the name and then click the magnifying glass or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Click the Show All
- The Connection Group list displays. Double-click the connection name.
- The Connection window opens. The Connection window opens. There are two ways to select the path:
- From the General screen, double-click the path number within the Pick List (lower pane)
- Within the Show ribbon group, click the Path Assignments button, within the Connection Path Assignments list, double-click the row.
- With either option, the Connection Path window opens.
- There are three panes of information:
- Path Information – display general path information
- Telephone/Circuits – displays a list of the assignments associated with the path
- Path Appearances – displays a list of which terminals the path is assigned to and the associated terminal information
Modify an Assignment on a Path
Within a path’s connectivity, you can move the assignment off the current path onto another, into another building, connection, etc. This option gives you the ability to modify all aspects of the facilities for the assignment. Please keep in mind that when you make changes here there is no work order associated.
- Click the Facilities
- In the Navigation pane, click Connections.
- Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not immediately populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
- Within the search box, type the connection group name or portion of the name and then click the magnifying glass or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Click the Show All
- Within the Connection Group list, double-click the connection name.
- The Connection window opens. There are two ways to select the path:
- From the General screen, double-click the path number within the Pick List (lower pane)
- Within the Show ribbon group, click the Path Assignments button, within the Connection Path Assignments list, double-click the row.
- With either option, the Connection Path window opens. Within the Show ribbon group, click the Connectivity
- The screen changes to displays two panes of information. The pane on the left-hand side of the screen displays the assignments currently associated with the path. The pane on the right-hand side displays the connectivity of the assignment, this includes buildings, terminal, cross connects, etc. Below the Assigned Site field, there are two tabs, View and Edit.
- Click the Edit tab, the complete connectivity for the assignment displays within the lower pane this includes any cross connects, you can modify the following information:
- Site – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and select the site. The site drop-down list displays the bottom-most site first. After the ~~ is the complete path to the site. Each site level is separated by a >.
- Building – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and select the building name where the set device or circuit resides.
- Terminal – if the building holds only one terminal, the field auto-populates with the terminal name. If there is more than one, click the field to access a drop-down menu.
! If the below fields are not available, click the plus sign (+) next to the Site name. The row directly beneath and indent is where the following information displays. The top line displays the current connection and path association.
- Connection Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and select the new connection name.
- Path Number – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and select the path number. If multiple paths are used there will be multiple lines.
- Path Usage – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and select path usage
- Out Binding Post – displays the appropriate out binding post location of the path selected. If the terminal uses Frame/Row/Block and Pin this field remains blank.
- Out Frame/Row/Block/Pin – displays the appropriate out frame location of the path selected. If the terminal uses binding post this field remains blank.
- In Binding Post – displays the appropriate in binding post location of the path selected, if applicable. If the terminal uses frame location this field remains blank.
- In Frame/Row/Block/Pin – displays the appropriate in frame location of the path selected, if applicable. If the terminal uses binding post this field remains blank.
- If more than one pair is used for the assignment click the row marked with an asterisk (*). This creates a new row allowing you to add the multiple paths.
- You can continue to add cross connections by selecting another site and building name. Once selected, the connection row displays allowing you to add another connection group and path assignment.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with connection paths, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the Connection Group window.
Viewing the Set Device or Circuit
If there is an assignment existing on the connection path, you can view the detailed information for the device.
- Click the Facilities
- In the Navigation pane, click Connections.
- Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not immediately populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
- Within the search box, type the connection group name or portion of the name and then click the magnifying glass or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Click the Show All
- Within the Connection Group list, double-click the connection name.
- The Connection window opens. There are two ways to select the path:
- From the General screen, double-click the path number within the Pick List (lower pane)
- Within the Show ribbon group, click the Path Assignments button, within the Connection Path Assignments Double-click the row.
- With either option, the Connection Path window opens.
- Within the Launch ribbon group, click the available button, Set Device, Circuit, Connection, Cisco or AS5300.
- The General window opens, allowing you to view and/or modify the information.
- If you make changes, click Save & Close button within the Action ribbon group to return to the connection path window. Otherwise, click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window.