Ok, now that we have built all the parts that make up the network devices, let create a new network device. These devices will be used to make the network connections. There are four panes of information:
- Device Properties – this pane displays the details about the device such as device name, MAC address, building, site, etc.
- Ports – once you select a device type this pane will automatically populate with the ports for the device.
- Notes – if a user has entered in any notes related to the device they will appear in this pane.
- Accounts for Equipment & Services – this pane displays the different accounts for related and equipment
- Equipment & Services – if there are any associated pieces of equipment or services related to the device they are listed here.
Adding a Network Device
- Click the Configured Items or Facilities
- In the Navigation pane, click Network Devices.
- Within the Actions pane, click the Add Network Device link.
- The General – Network Device window opens.
- Within the Device Properties pane, complete the following fields (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
- Device Type Name * – click on the field to access a dropdown list, from the list select the network device type. These are the devices that you created under Manage Network Device Types. Once selected the ports will automatically populate in the Ports pane.
If you accidentally select the wrong device type, simply click the dropdown arrow again and re-select the proper device. When doing so, you will be asked if you want to replace the ports, click Yes to replace or no to cancel the operation.
- Network Device Identifier * – type in the unique identifier for this network device. No two network devices can be named the same each one has to be unique!
- Network Device Name – type in the device name, this can be the same as the identifier or it can be a more common name that is easier to understand. Even though this field is not required it is highly recommended that you complete the device name.
- Network Device MAC Address – if applicable, type in the MAC Address.
- Network Device Serial Number – if applicable, type in the serial number for the device
- Site – even though this field is not required, when you are managing port connections the site is required to find network devices. Click on the dropdown arrow to access a list, from the list select the site. The site dropdown list displays the bottom-most site first. After the ~~ is the complete path to the site.
- Building Name – click on the dropdown arrow to access a list, from the list select the building name. Even though the field is not required here, when you are creating your port connections later, you will need the building to find the available network devices and connections.
- Terminal Name – click on the dropdown arrow to access a list, from the list select the terminal name. It is helpful later when you are creating your port connections to have a terminal to refine the list when you are searching for network devices in a building. We all know some buildings may have several terminals, so being able to refine the list is can save time.
- Floor – type in the floor location
- Room – type in the room location
- Cubicle – type in the cubicle location
- Wing – if the building has multiple wings, use this field to enter in the wing name and/or number
- Latitude/Longitude/Elevation – if you are in the same physical location as the network device, you can use the Add GPS Locator button (in the ribbon) to populate these fields. Alternately, you can type the coordinates into the appropriate field.
If you have access to a mobile device that has GPS location services turned on you can use the compass app to find you longitude, latitude and elevation. You still must be in the same physical location as the network device.
- Organization Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the name of the organization. The organization drop-down list displays the bottom-most organization level first. After the ~~ the complete path to the selected organization displays. Each level of the organizational tree is separated by a >. Once you select an organization, the complete path populates within the field.
- IP Address – type in the IP address of the network device
- The next set of fields only pertain to you if you have our VoIP Discovery module, these fields will populate once a network scan is completed:
- Subnet Mask
- Begin/End IP Range
- Device Version
- IOS Version
- SNMP Version/Community/User Name
- SNMP Authentication Protocol * – this field defaults to Unknown
- SNMP Authentication Password
- SNMP Privacy Protocol* – this field defaults to Unknown
- SNMP Privacy Password
- IPv6 Address
- NPA Network Provider Access
- LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol Enabled
- PON Passive Optical Network Device Type
- CDP Cisco Directory Protocol Enabled
- Location Field Mask Delimiter/Spaces/JSON/Regex
- At this point it is a good idea to save your network device, within the Actions ribbon group, click on the Save button.
- Once you selected the Device Type Name, the ports will automatically appear in the ports pane. This pane displays the following information:
- Network Device Port Type – Ethernet, Coax, Fiber, etc.
- Device Port Type Mode – Trunk, Access, Mixed or Patch
- Device Port Number – 1, 2, 3, etc.
- Device Port Name – Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, etc. These Device Port Names can be renamed by clicking in the field any typing in the name of the port
- Device Port Is Working – a checkmark indicates that the port is working. Click on the field to remove the checkmark to indicate a bad port
- Device Port is Reserved – this field default to unchecked meaning the port is ready to use. A checkmark indicates the port is reserved.
- Device Port Description – this contains any miscellaneous information regarding the port
- If you have made any further modifications to the device, make sure you save your changes.
Adding a Port Range
Often times a module is connected to an existing network device to add additional ports. The ‘Add Port Range’ button allows you to add more ports onto the device.
- Within the Manage Range ribbon group, click on the Add Port Range button
- The Add Port Range popup opens, complete the following fields:
- Port Mode – click on the dropdown arrow to access a list from the list select the port mode, the following selections are available:
- Access
- Trunk
- Patch
- Mixed
- Unknown
- Port Type – click on the dropdown arrow to access a list from the list the port type (for example: ethernet, fiber, etc.)
- Start Port Number – type in the first port number for the range
- Total Ports – type in the total number of ports to be added
- Is Working – this field defaults to include a checkmark indicating that all the ports you are adding are working. Click on the field to remove the checkmark indicating that the ports are not working, this field can be modified at any time.
- Is Reserved – this defaults to remain empty, to insert a checkmark to reserve the ports, click on the field.
- Description – use this field to enter in any miscellaneous or descriptive text regarding the ports
- Port Mode – click on the dropdown arrow to access a list from the list select the port mode, the following selections are available:
- When the fields are complete, click on the Add Range in the lower right-hand corner of the popup.
- The new range will appear in the Ports pane below the existing list.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click on the Save button to continue working with the device or the Save & Close button to return to the list.