General Orders
General Orders allows you to create a main work order and assign sub work orders. This is similar to the process used in Subscriber Portal, in that you select a package type and action and then you determine the number of orders to create.
Before you can create any general orders, you need to create your Configuration Packages. These packages determine what component and type of action you want to perform, for example, install new analog set, delete circuit, etc. Your CAIRS administrator creates your configuration packages within System Admin.
Your administrator also needs to determine whether you can close a general order if your have sub work orders still open. If your administrator has set the Don’t Close General Orders until Sub-Order are Closed setting to true, the system prevents you from closing the general until all subs are closed. If the setting is set to false, you will be able to close the general with subs still open.
Understanding the General Order Screen
There are six panes of information when you view the general order screen. The first pane, General Order Information, displays basic order information, this includes such items as site, building name, switch name, TCO, project open and close date, etc. Some of the information from this pane will carry over into each of the sub-orders associated to the general order.
The second pane, Sub-Orders/Packages displays a list of the sub-order associated to the general order. There are several selections at the top of the pane that allow you to view different pieces of information associated to the sub-orders. The first selection, Toggle Selection, allows you to quickly place a checkmark in the Selected column or to remove the checkmark. The Show dropdown box allows you to view the sub-orders and their status, the following selections are available:
- All Orders
- All Active Orders
- Orders on Hold
- Closed Orders
- Cancelled Orders
The Selected Sub-Order Package Fields pane, displays the additional request fields completed by the Subscriber when they submitted the request via Subscriber Portal. This is read only information.
The General Description and General Notes pane allows you to enter in specific details for the general work order. These field will carry over into any sub work orders. When they carry over, they will combine into the Work Order Description field.
The Additional Notes pane allows you to associate notes to the general order. These notes are specific to the general order and will not carry over to any sub work orders.
General Order Wizard
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All Active General Orders
- There are two ways to access the wizard:
- Within the toolbar directly above the Navigation pane, click on the New General Order Wizard link.
- Within the Actions pane, click the New General Order Wizard
- With either option the New Order Wizard opens. The first window allows you to enter in basic request information, complete the following information (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
- General Order Number – type an alphanumeric order number.
- Site – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the site. The site drop-down list displays two columns the Site column show the bottom-most site. The Path column displays the complete path to the site. Each site level is separated by a >.
- Description – type in the description of the work order, please keep in mind that this description is attached to each sub work order, once in the general order this field also populates into the General Description pane and vice versa. If there are more than one line of information, hoover over the field to view the complete description.
- Created By – click the drop-down arrow to access a list of CAIRS users, from the list select your user name.
- Building Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the building name. This is the physical location of where to install, move, or modify the component.
- Switch Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the switch name associated with the new component(s).
- Organization Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the name of the organization. The organization drop-down list displays the bottom-most organization first. After the ~~ the complete path to the selected organization displays. Each level of the organizational tree is separated by a >. Once you select an organization, the complete path populates within the field.
- Subscriber Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the name of the subscriber associated with the new component(s).
- TCO – click on the drop-down to access a list and from the list, select the TCO related to the orders. There are two columns of information within the list, the TCO Name and the Job Description.
- Account Number – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list select the account number for the new component(s). The list of accounts displays not only the account number but also the account type, one-time, recurring or call charges and organization.
- Alternate Project Name – type the alternate name for the project, if applicable.
- Contact Name – type the name of the contact for this work order.
- Contact Phone – type the telephone number for the contact for this work order.
- Notes – use this field for any additional information you would like to attach to the work orders. Once in the general order this field will also populate in the General Notes pane and vice versa. If there are more than one line of information, hoover over the field to view the complete description.
When the sub work orders are created the Description and Notes field combine and display in the Description pane.
- Project Open Date – this field auto-populates with today’s date. To change the date click the field to access a drop-down arrow, once clicked a calendar appears, from the calendar select the date to initiate the work orders. To change the month and year click the right or left arrow, and once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
- Project Close Date – this field allows you to enter a date to close the general order.
- Package Name – type the package name
- Package Action – type the package action
- Package Type – type the package type
- General Order Miscellaneous 1 – 10 – use these fields for any other information you want associated with the work order and sub orders.
- General Order Date 1 – 5 – use these date fields related information that you want to track for the work order and sub orders.
- Once you have completed the fields, click the Next button in the lower right-hand corner of the wizard.
- The next step in the process is to pick the package action and type. Within the Package Type field, click on the dropdown arrow to access a list of packages, select one of the following:
- Set Device
- Circuit
- Authorization Code
- Cell Phone
- General Task
- Once you selected your package type, there are three actions you can perform for each of the package types:
- New Service
- Change Existing Service
- Disconnect Service
- When you choose New Service the only option you have is to click on the Next button and continue with the Wizard.
- However, if you choose change or disconnect, you will have to select an existing devise before you can continue. The lower pane will automatically populate with the devices that are associated to the package type when you select either the change or disconnect actions. The list that populates is site specific, so only the devices assigned to your chosen site appear within the list.
- You can either scroll through the list or perform a search for the device by typing a portion of the record or the entire record into the textbox and click on the magnifying glass. Once the list populates, highlight the device and click the next button.
- Next, you determine which package is needed for this work order. Again, these packages are created by your CAIRS administrator in System Admin -> Subscriber Portal Settings -> Configuration Packages. By clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the package name, you can view the equipment or services associated to the package.
- Within the list, find the correct package, in the Quantity to Create column type the number of the sub-orders you want to create. You can add multiple type of packages to one general order, just put a number in the quantity to create field.
- Click the Next button to continue.
- The next screen allows you to add any additional request notes to the work order. Once you have completed your note, click on the Next button to continue.
- The final screen completes the wizard. Within the lower right hand corner, click on the Finish button.
Creating a General Order (without the Wizard)
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All Active General Orders
- Within the Actions pane, click the Add General Order link
- The General Order window opens
- Within the General Order Information pane, complete the following information (required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)):
- General Order Number * – type an alphanumeric order number.
- Site * – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the site. The site drop-down list displays two columns the Site column show the bottom-most site. The Path column displays the complete path to the site. Each site level is separated by a >.
- Description – type in the description of the work order, please keep in mind that this description is attached to each sub work order, once you click off the field the information will also populate in the General Description pane and vice versa. If there are more than one line of information, hoover over the field to view the complete description.
- Created By – click the drop-down arrow to access a list of CAIRS users, from the list select your user name.
- Building Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the building name. This is the physical location of where to install, move, or modify the component.
- Switch Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the switch name associated with the new component(s).
- Organization Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the name of the organization. The organization drop-down list displays the bottom-most organization first. After the ~~ the complete path to the selected organization displays. Each level of the organizational tree is separated by a >. Once you select an organization, the complete path populates within the field.
- Subscriber Name – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list, select the name of the subscriber associated with the new component(s).
- TCO – click on the drop-down to access a list and from the list, select the TCO related to the orders. There are two columns of information within the list, the TCO Name and the Job Description.
- Account Number – click the drop-down arrow to access a list and from the list select the account number for the new component(s). The list of accounts displays not only the account number but also the account type, one-time, recurring or call charges and organization.
- Alternate Project Name – type the alternate name for the project, if applicable.
- Contact Name – type the name of the contact for this work order.
- Contact Phone – type the telephone number for the contact for this work order.
- Notes – use this field for any additional information you would like to attach to the work orders. Once you click off the field the information will also populate in the General Notes pane and vice versa. If there are more than one line of information, hoover over the field to view the complete description.
When the sub work orders are created the Description and Notes field combine and display in the Description pane.
- Project Open Date – this field auto-populates with today’s date. To change the date click the field to access a drop-down arrow, once clicked a calendar appears, from the calendar select the date to initiate the work orders. To change the month and year click the right or left arrow, and once at the appropriate month and year, click the number to select the date. The date populates in the box.
- Project Close Date – this field allows you to enter a date to close the general order.
- Package Name – type the package name
- Package Action – type the package action
- Package Type – type the package type
- General Order Miscellaneous 1 – 10 – use these fields for any other information you want associated with the work order and sub orders.
- General Order Date 1 – 5 – use these date fields related information that you want to track for the work order and sub orders.
- Before you can continue, you need to save your progress, within the Actions ribbon group click the Save button.
- Within the Sub-Order Actions, click on the Create Orders button. The wizard opens to allow you to add the appropriate sub orders, the first step in the process is to pick the package action and type. Within the Package Type field, click on the dropdown arrow to access a list of package, select one of the following:
- Set Device
- Circuit
- Authorization Code
- Cell Phone
- General Task
- Once you selected your package type, there are three actions you can perform for each of the package types:
- New Service
- Change Existing Service
- Disconnect Service
- When you choose New Service the only option you have is to click on the Next button and continue with the Wizard.
- However, if you choose change or disconnect, you will have to select an existing devise before you can continue. The lower pane will automatically populate with the devices that are associated to the package type (set device, circuit, cell phone, auth code, etc.) when you select either the change or disconnect actions. The list that populates is site specific, so only the devices assigned to your chosen site appear within the list.
- You can either scroll through the list or perform a search for the device by typing a portion of the record or the entire record into the textbox and click on the magnifying glass. Once the list populates, highlight the device and click the next button.
- Next, you determine which package is needed for this work order. Again, these packages are created by your CAIRS administrator in System Admin -> Subscriber Portal Settings -> Configuration Packages. By clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the package name, you can view the equipment or services associated to the package.
- Within the list, find the correct package, in the Quantity to Create column type the number of the sub-orders you want to create. You can add multiple type of packages to one general order, just put a number in the quantity to create field.
- Click the Next button to continue.
- The next screen allows you to add any additional request notes to the work order. Once you have completed your note, click on the Next button to continue.
- The final screen completes the wizard. Within the lower right hand corner, click on the Finish button.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click the Save button to continue working with the general order or the Save & Close button to return to the All Active General Orders list.
What Now?
You have created your General Work Order and the Sub-Orders underneath it, now what do you do? There are several actions you can perform for each sub-order. These actions include holding, releasing from hold, cancelling, or completing the orders.
The first step is to access the sub-order, you will not be able to see your sub-orders within the All Active General Orders menu option you have to go into All Active Orders. From there you will treat each sub-order as a regular work order and complete the work flow process.
Your administrator has determined if you are able to close the general order if sub-orders are still open. If your administrator has set the Don’t Close General Orders until Sub-Order are Closed setting to true, the system prevents you from closing the general until all subs are closed. If the setting is set to false, you will be able to close the general with subs still open.
With either setting, once all sub-orders are closed or cancelled beneath the General Work Order, the general order closes as well.
At any time during the processing of the general work order, you can add more sub-orders. To do so, click on the Create Orders buttons within the Sub-Orders Actions ribbon group to open the wizard to add more subs.
General Order Notes
Before you started adding notes it is a good idea to add some note categories. These categories help to group the notes based on a common element. For example, Update Ticket, Remove Component, etc. To learn more about adding note categories, please see Common Elements à Managing Note Categories.
Since the process to adding, modifying, deleting and viewing notes is the same throughout CAIRS, we have consolidated the process into one section on the manual. Please see Common Elements à Notes to learn more.
Sub-Order Actions
The Sub-Order actions allow you to perform certain actions on the entire set of orders or on an individual order. Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, you can place a checkmark in the rows that you want to perform the action on.
Create Orders
When you completed the process of created the general work and sub-orders, you may have forgotten to create a set subs, you can add subs to a general order at time as long as the order is open.
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Order Actions, click on the Create Orders button. The wizard opens to allow you to add the appropriate sub orders, the first step in the process is to pick the package action and type. Within the Package Type field, click on the dropdown arrow to access a list of package, select one of the following:
- Set Device
- Circuit
- Authorization Code
- Cell Phone
- General Task
- Once you selected your package type, there are three actions you can perform for each of the package types:
- New Service
- Change Existing Service
- Disconnect Service
- When you choose New Service the only option you have is to click on the Next button and continue with the Wizard.
- However, if you choose change or disconnect, you will have to select an existing devise before you can continue. The lower pane will automatically populate with the devices that are associated to the package type (set device, circuit, cell phone, auth code, etc.) when you select either the change or disconnect actions. The list that populates is site specific, so only the devices assigned to your chosen site appear within the list.
- You can either scroll through the list or perform a search for the device by typing a portion of the record or the entire record into the textbox and click on the magnifying glass. Once the list populates, highlight the device and click the next button.
- Next, you determine which package is needed for this work order. Again, these packages are created by your CAIRS administrator in System Admin -> Subscriber Portal Settings -> Configuration Packages. By clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the package name, you can view the equipment or services associated to the package.
- Within the list, highlight the correct package and click on the Next button.
- The next screen allows you to add any additional notes to the work order. Once you have completed your note, click on the Next button to continue.
- The final screen completes the wizard. Within the lower right hand corner, click on the Finish button.
Create Single Order
You can create a single work order from a General Order. These single orders do not require the use of a configuration package, they will act just like a regular work order. They are only present within CAIRS, you cannot create a single order from Subscriber Portal. Fields from the General Work Order will still transfer over to the work order.
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All Active General Orders
- Within the Actions pane, click the Add New General Order link
- The General Order window opens
- Within the General Order Information pane, complete the necessary fields. You are required to enter in the General Order Number and Site before you can continue. All other fields populated with the General Order Information pane will transfer over to your sub-order.
- Once completed, click on the Save button within the Actions ribbon group.
- To create the order, click on the Create Single Order button within the Sub-Order Actions ribbon group.
- The work order window opens, from this point, the order is treated like a regular work order. Once the work flow is complete, you can close the work order.
- Depending on your system settings, the General Work Order may close if this is the last work order associated to the General.
- If not you are returned to the General Order, you will notice your order appears in the Sub-Orders/Packages pane and the Order Status is ‘Complete’.
Create Single Trouble Ticket
You can create a single trouble ticket from a General Order. These single tickets do not require the use of a configuration package, they will act just like a regular trouble ticket. They are only present within CAIRS, you cannot create a single ticket from Subscriber Portal. Fields from the General Work Order will still transfer over to the trouble ticket.
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All Active General Orders
- Within the Actions pane, click the Add New General Order link
- The General Order window opens
- Within the General Order Information pane, complete the necessary fields. You are required to enter in the General Order Number and Site before you can continue. All other fields populated with the General Order Information pane will transfer over to your sub-order.
- Once completed, click on the Save button within the Actions ribbon group.
- To create the order, click on the Create Single Trouble button within the Sub-Order Actions ribbon group.
- The trouble ticket window opens, from this point, the ticket is treated like a regular trouble ticket. Once the work flow is complete, you can close the trouble ticket.
- Depending on your system settings, the General Work Order may close if this is the last work order associated to the General.
- If not you are returned to the General Order, you will notice your ticket appears in the Sub-Orders/Packages pane and the Order Status is ‘Complete’.
Put Sub-Orders on Hold
There are two ways you can put sub-orders on hold, you can access the sub-order itself and hold it from the button within the Order Actions ribbon group. Alternatively, you can access the General Work Order and hold the sub-orders.
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, find the order that you want to Hold, within the Selected column click the box to insert a checkmark. You can place a checkmark in multiple rows if desired.
- Within the Sub-Order Actions ribbon group, click on the Put Orders on Hold button.
- A message box displays allowing you to enter a reason why you are holding the sub-order(s). Type the reason and click the OK The Order Status column changes to display OnHold.
- To view a list of work orders currently on hold, click Orders and then Held Orders.
Release Orders from Hold
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, find the order that you want to Release from Hold, within the Selected column click the box to insert a checkmark. You can place a checkmark in multiple rows if desired.
- Within the Sub-Order Actions ribbon group, click on the Release Orders from Hold button.
- A message box displays allowing you to enter a reason why you are releasing the hold on the sub-order(s). Type the reason and click the OK The Order Status column changes to display Open.
Cancel Orders
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, find the order that you want to cancel, within the Selected column click the box to insert a checkmark. You can place a checkmark in multiple rows if desired.
- Within the Sub–Order Actions ribbon group, click the Cancel Order
- You are asked to enter a reason for canceling the order, once entered click the OK button to continue or the Cancel button to stop the operation.
- Are you returned to the General Order window, within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, you will notice that the Order Status column now reads canceled.
- You can double click on the row to view the complete order details or you can return to the Orders menu and click on Order History.
TCO Actions
Your CAIRS administrators can determine whether a package requires the approval of a TCO before being submitted into CAIRS. Often times a TCO is required to approve requests submitted by their subscribers. Ideally, the TCO logs into the Subscriber Portal and approves the requests; however, they can approve requests within CAIRS.
Approve Selected Orders
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, find the order that you want to approve, within the Selected column click the box to insert a checkmark. You can place a checkmark in multiple rows if desired.
- Within the TCO Actions ribbon group, click the Approve Selected button.
- The project Approval Notes popup opens, you can enter in any notes related to the approval process. When completed, click the OK button to complete the approval process or click Cancel to return to the General Order.
- When you press OK the sub-orders are created and you can access them through Orders -> All Active Orders.
Reject Selected Orders
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, find the order that you want to cancel, within the Selected column click the box to insert a checkmark. You can place a checkmark in multiple rows if desired.
- Within the TCO Actions ribbon group, click the Reject Selected button.
- The Reason for Rejection popup opens, you can enter in any notes regarding the rejection. When complete, click the OK button to complete the rejection process or click Cancel to return to the General Order.
Resource Manager Actions
A Resource Manager can only perform actions on packages that have not been approved or packages that do not have an order number already associated.
Approve Selected Orders
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, find the order that you want to approve, within the Selected column click the box to insert a checkmark. You can place a checkmark in multiple rows if desired.
- Within the Resource Manager Actions ribbon group, click the Approved Selected button.
- The project Approval Notes popup opens, you can enter in any notes related to the approval process. When completed, click the OK button to complete the approval process or click Cancel to return to the General Order.
- When you press OK the sub-orders are created and you can access them through Orders -> All Active Orders or by double clicking on the line within the pane.
Reject Selected Orders
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, find the order that you want to cancel, within the Selected column click the box to insert a checkmark. You can place a checkmark in multiple rows if desired.
- Within the Resource Manager Actions ribbon group, click the Reject Selected button.
- The Reason for Rejection popup opens, you can enter in any notes regarding the rejection. When complete, click the OK button to complete the rejection process or click Cancel to return to the General Order.
Cancel Selected Orders
- Click the Orders/Troubles
- Within the Navigation pane, click Orders and then All General Active Orders.
- A list of the open orders populates. If you have a large number of active work orders, the list may not populate. To populate the list, do one of the following:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list opens, double-click the order number. The general work order window opens.
- Within the Sub-Orders/Packages pane, find the order that you want to cancel, within the Selected column click the box to insert a checkmark. You can place a checkmark in multiple rows if desired.
- Within the Resource Manager Actions ribbon group, click the Cancel Selected button.
- The Reason for Cancel popup opens, you can enter in any notes regarding why the package is being canceled. This is a required field, you must enter something in the box to continue. When complete, click the OK button to complete the rejection process or click Cancel to return to the General Order.
Attach Ribbon Group
Before you can attach files to a record, your CAIRS administrator must determine the allowable file types and size. Please contact your CAIRS administrator if you are unable to attach files.
There are two different types of files that you can attach to a record, the first button allows you to attach a regular file. These files follow the record and other users are able to see them. Although, this is convenient, if changes need to be made to the file, the file will have to be saved and then re-attached.
The second file attachment type allows you to attach a link to a file that is in a shared location. The benefit of this file attachment is that when changes are made to the file there is no need to reattach the file. The disadvantage is that all CAIRS users have to have access to the shared file location.
Since the process to add, modify, delete and view file attachments is the same throughout CAIRS, we have consolidated the process into one section on the manual. Please see Common Elements à File Attachments to learn more.
General Order Views
Within the Views pane, you can sort your general orders list based on certain characteristics. For example, you can view all general orders that need TCO Approval. The default or simple list displays all general orders starting with the most recently created order first. The following views are available:
· Simple List | |
· Needs Telephone Control Officer Approval | |
· Needs Resource Manager Approval |
When you click the option circle next to a selection, the list changes to group your orders based on the common characteristic. For each group, you can click the plus sign next to the group name to view the work orders within the grouping.
General Order History
Within General Order History, you can view all general orders that have been completed or cancelled within your database. The list provides some basic order information to view the complete information double click on the order number to open the General Order screen. To view the information for a sub-order, you will have to access the order through Order History.