Viewing Switch Request History
View any scripts requested from a switch through the switch record in the Switches Menu.
- Click the Switches menu.
- In the Navigation pane, click Switches.
- Depending on the amount of records you have within your database, the list may not readily populate. To populate the list, perform one of the following actions:
- Within the search box, type any portion of the record and then click the magnifying glass.
- Click the Show All
- Once the list populates, double-click the record to open the General – Switch window.
- Within the Show ribbon group, click the Script History button.
- The Switch Request History pane displays detailed information about previous script requests. The window is divided into four information panes. Selecting a Switch Script History record populates relevant information in the Comm Log, Event Log, and Trace Log panes.
- Switch Script History – displays the following information:
- Order Number – displays the work order number for which the script was processed.
- User Name* – displays the name of the user that executed the script.
- Script Name* – displays the name of the script that was run.
- Request Date*– date and time the user sent the request to the switch.
- Status* – whether the script succeeded or failed.
- Start Date – if a script is scheduled to run in the future, this field displays the start date.
- Return Value – script values returned to CAIRS display here.
- Notification Message – WOPR-ASI sends messages to CAIRS while processing a request. These messages let CAIRS know what stage of the running script. If a WOPR-ASI script fails, this column displays the most recent message sent from WOPR-ASI to CAIRS. These messages can be useful for troubleshooting script or communication errors.
- Warning Message – if WOPR-ASI encounters an error that does not cause the script execution to fail the message is displayed here.
- Error Message – if a WOPR-ASI script fails, this column displays the error message. This is also useful for troubleshooting script or communication errors.
- Comm Log – displays the communication between WOPR-ASI and the Switch. This allows you to see the actual commands sent to the switch and the data it returns from.
- Event Log – displays messages sent from WOPR-ASI that tell the user what stage the script is in. Again helpful for troubleshooting errors.
- Trace Log – displays information used to debug scripts and switch communication. Normally this pane will not contain information.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue working with the switch record or Save and Close to return to the switches list.