Creating a 911 Interface Template
- Click the System Admin
- In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next to Data Sync Center to expand the menu items.
- Click 911 Interface.
- Within the Actions pane, click the Add New Interface 911
- The General-911 Interface window opens. There are two panes of information; the top pane contains the general template information and the bottom pane displays the number plans included in the interface.
- Within the top pane, configure the following fields. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk:
- Template Name* – type-in the template name.
- Format 911* – click the drop-down arrow to access a format list. From the list, select one of the following file formats:
! Depending on the format that you choose, the fields may be different. For the purposes of this document, we will define all fields.
- Path* – double-click the field to access the Browse For Folder pop-up. Within the pop-up, browse to the location you. want to create the files.
- File Name – you are creating a file to send to another system, this will be the name of the file.
- Extension Length*– from the drop-down list select the extension length, 3 to 10 digits.
- Last Date Time – populates with the date and time of the last 911 file created.
- NENA Format – when you select the NENA format, this field auto-populates to the NENA 2 format.
- Initialize or Change – type-in I for initial, meaning you are creating a brand new file to send or type-in C for change meaning you only want to send the changes made within the database to the 911 system.
- Email Address – if CAIRS has the capability to email notification, when a 911 interface creates the file this email address will receive a notification
- Company Name – type-in the company name.
- State – type-in your state code.
- Extract Date – this field populates with the current date.
- Country ID – type-in your country id.
- Cycle Counter – type-in the cycle counter.
- Modify Termination – check mark the field to indicate you want to modify the termination.
- No Header Footer –check mark the field to indicate the created file will not have a header or footer.
- Include All Number – checkmark the field to indicate that all numbers are included in the interface
- Include Duplicate Number – checkmark the field to indicate that duplicate numbers are included in the interface
- Run on Schedule – check mark the box to indicate you want the interface to run on the schedule you set within Service Manager. Leave the field blank to indicate you will run the interface manually.
- The lower pane displays a list of the Number Plans within your database. This pane allows you to select which number plans to include in the interface file. To include a number plan, click on the box in the Include column.
! The numbers, if any, within the Interface 911 Prefix column append to each number transferred in the interface. For example, if you have an extension length of 7 and the prefix of 702, each number transferred starts with the 702and then the 7-digit number. This allows you to send more digits through the interface than what you track within your CAIRS database. You add the 911 Prefix within the Number Plan.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click Save (to save and stay) to continue adding information for the interface, or click Save & Close (to save and exit) to return to the 911 Interface list.