Security – Logged in Users
The Logged in Users displays a list of the users that are currently logged into CAIRS. The list displays the following information:
- User Name – displays the user’s login name.
- Computer Name – displays the computer name
- IP Address – displays the computer’s network address.
- Last Name – displays the user’s last name.
- First Name – displays the user’s first name.
- Log In Time –displays the date and time the user started their CAIRS session.
Each of these six columns can sort the list information alphabetically or numerically. For example, click the Last Name column to sort the list alphabetically based on the user’s last name. Once clicked, a triangle appears in the column header. An upward pointing triangle indicates the list is in alphabetical order, while a downward pointing triangle indicates the list is in reverse-alphabetical order.
Refresh Status
Within the Actions pane, click on the Refresh Status link to refresh the Logged in Users list, this updates the list to the most current users logged into CAIRS.
Viewing User Activity
As an administrator, you can view user activities by double clicking the user name within the list. A complete activities list displays.
- Click the System Admin
- In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next to Security to access the sub-menus.
- Click Logged in Users.
- A list of the users currently logged into CAIRS displays, within the list double click on any record. The Security Monitor window opens.
- The fields in the Security Monitor window are as follows:
- Action Name* – displays the action that took place: Add, Update, or Delete. This keeps track of any database changes.
- Activity Date* – displays the date and time the action occurred.
- User Name* – displays the username.
- First Name –displays the user’s first name.
- Last Name – displays the user’s last name.
- Name or Number – displays the number or name of the information that the action influenced, for example, the primary telephone number, circuit name, subscriber name, etc appears in the field.
- Source* – displays the computer’s IP address.
- Work Order Number – displays the work order number.
- Security Check Successful – a checkmark in the field indicates the completed action was within the scope of the user’s profile.
- Within the Actions ribbon group, click on the X to close the Security Monitor and return to the Logged In Users list.