Adding a New Auto-Number Schema
- Click the System Admin
- In the Navigation pane, click the plus sign (+) next to System Settings, click Auto Number Setup.
- There are two ways to start to add a new auto-number scheme
- Within the tool bar directly above the Navigation pane, click the dropdown arrow next to New. From the list, select Auto Number Setup.
- Within the Actions pane, click the Add New Auto Number Schema
- With either option, the General – Auto Number window opens. There are 3 panes of information:
- Mask Properties – within this pane you will determine how the auto number setup will work
- Mask Elements – when you add an element to the schema it will appear in this pane
- Example – this pane displays an example of what your auto number setup will look like when used.
- Within the Mask Properties, complete the following fields for the auto number setup:
- Component * – click the dropdown arrow to access a list of the components that are available for auto numbering, the following options are available:
- Work Orders
- Trouble Tickets
- Official Accounts
- Unofficial Accounts
- Auth Code
- Payment Deposit Number
- Portal Work Order
- Portal Trouble Ticket
- Default Mask
- Toll Ticket Control Number
- VIP Toll Ticket Control Number
- Toll Ticket ID Number
- General Task
- Mask – as you add mask parts, this field will populate with the mask of the auto number
- Enabled – this defaults to a null value which means that it is not being used, click on the box to enter a checkmark to enable the auto numbering
- Current Increment – this determines the numerical increase for each new number used
- Last Increment Update – displays the last increment value that was used
- Reset Increment Value * – determines what the first number will be when you reset the auto numbering sequence
- Use Fiscal Year – when checked the auto numbering scheme will reset every fiscal as determined by the year set in Accounting (the start date can be January 1st, October 1st, or a date that you determine). When left unchecked, the auto number reset will occur as determined by your selection in the ‘Add Incrementing Mask Part’ ribbon group.
- Once you have completed the fields, you can start to add elements into the mask. Within the Add Standard Mask Parts you will need to determine what elements to add. We will discuss each one in detail
- Add Date Part – when selected a popup opens allowing you to select which date you want in the mask, to select an option click the radio button next to your option. You have the following options available
- 2 Digit year. Set the Use Fiscal Year as checked to use the fiscal year start date from the official billing fiscal year start date
- 4 Digit year. Set the Use Fiscal Year as checked to use the fiscal year start date from the official billing fiscal year start date
- 2 Digit Month
- 2 Digit day of the month
- Day of the week abbreviation
- Full day of the week name
- 2 digit hour using a 12 hour clock
- 2 digit hour using a 24 hour clock
- 2 digit minute
- Month name abbreviation
- Full month name
- 2 digit second
- AM/PM designator
- Milliseconds
- Advanced – Input a mask using a custom data and time format string
- Add Julian Date – if none of the above date options work you can simply add the Julian to the mask, click on this button to add it to the elements pane
- Add a Random Number – when selected a popup opens allowing you to choose the number of digits your number will be, you have the option of 2 through 9 digits. Please keep in mind this a randomly generated number it does not reset and duplicate numbers have appeared so use this wisely. Actually, it is a good idea to not use this, you should use the Incrementing Mask Part instead!
- Add Text – when select a popup opens allowing you to enter in text that will be a part of the mask, once entered click on the OK button to add the part to the elements pane
- Add Organization Name – when selected the Organization Name will appear in the mask
- After you have made your selections, you will notice that each element you have chosen appears in the Mask Elements pane. There are a couple of actions you have for each element, next to each element is and up and down arrow. When you click on either one, it will move the element up or down in the order of the mask. On the right hand side, is an ‘X’ when you click on it the element is removed from the mask.
- The Example pane, you will see what your auto-number schema will look like when used for the component.
- You aren’t done yet! The last thing you need to determine is when your increment will reset, within the ‘Add Incrementing Mask Part’ ribbon group you must choose ONE of the following options:
- Add Calendar Year Reset Increment – when selected a popup opens allowing you to select choose a 2 through 9 digit number that will reset every calendar year.
- Add Daily Reset Increment – when selected a popup opens allowing you to select choose a 2 through 9 digit number that will reset every day.
- Add Monthly Reset Increment – when selected a popup opens allowing you to select choose a 2 through 9 digit number that will reset every month.
- Add Fiscal Year Reset Increment – when selected a popup opens allowing you to select choose a 2 through 9 digit number that will reset every Fiscal year. Your fiscal year is determined within Accounts – Official Accounts – Billing Cycle Plan.
Once you have made your selection, you will notice that the ribbon group is greyed out, to make a different selection remove the part from the Mask Elements pane.
- One last step, within the Actions ribbon group, click on the Save button to continue working or click on the Save & Close button to return to the Auto Number Setup list.
Deleting an Auto Number Setup
You can delete an auto-number, however it is a good idea to simply Disable it so it can be used again the future. To disable an auto number schema, open the record by double clicking on the record from the Auto Number Setup list. When the record opens, within the Mask Properties pane, remove the checkmark from the Enabled field. Click on the Save & Close button, the setup still appears in the list however it is no longer enabled.
To delete, you can simply highlight the setup with the list and click on the Delete Auto Number Schema link within the Actions pane. You are asked if you really want to delete the setup, click yes to continue or no to cancel the operation.